Sorry to email you late. I guess you are very angry about my late response. I am really sorry.
Thanks so much for the lovely pictures you have sent me. I am really glad to see your picture. You are a very pretty Woman and I admire you so much.
How are you and your family? I hope you are all doing fine. I hope all is going on fine with your work.
It is my pleasure to write you this email as I totally appreciate your kind gesture to have replied my email message. I also want to thank you again for giving me your email address so that we can communicate. Thanks very much for your sincerity.
I am really sorry that I could not email you on time, the reason for my late reply is because I am just here in Austria to purchase some equipment for an ongoing job back home so I am so busy trying to make sure that I purchase the right equipment.
I am much honored to know you and I want you to know that I registered the dating website because I am in serious need of a life partner. I am 49 years young this year and I am not getting any younger. Although a lot of my friends say that I look younger than my age and some time they call me "Baby face"
I joined the dating site because I intend to find a matured lady that I can have serious relationship with that can lead to marriage. I am not here to play games. I am really serious about finding a life time partner.
This is my very first time of registering for a dating website. I have never believed that I can find the right person on the dating site but one of my old colleagues found a very kind heart and responsible lady on the same website and he advised me to join the dating website so I registered on the website. I was going through the website and I found you. My heart directed me to contact you and I was very happy when you replied.
My Friend is presently living happily with his wife and I am hoping that this communication between me and you can develop to a successful relationship that will lead to marriage. I am really very serious about getting married because I want to settle down with a wife and enjoy the rest of my life with a happy family.
Please put it in mind that I am not the type of man that only loves a woman because of physical beauty. I care more about a woman with a good heart. I do not believe in age difference, race, religion or distance. What I care most about is a woman with a good heart, true love and understanding.
Now that I have found you, I pray that God will guide and protect us and lead us through a relationship that will lead to a happy marriage and happy family.
Let me introduce myself so that you can know more about me, My names are Rodwell Stanford. I am a native of Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom (UK) but I also have U.SA citizenship. I am the only child of my parents and I am 49 years. My father is from Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom while my mother is from the U.S.A
Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom is a very beautiful place which has a lot of Norman Castles, Mountains and Valleys also.
My father died some years ago. He was a very good and strong Man. He had a gentle and lovely heart. He loved my mother so much and never cheated on my mother. He always taught me to be an honest man. He was a professor of Engineering and worked with many companies as a consultant and as an architect and builder. He was a Good Man and he always rendered help to motherless babies and various orphanage homes. A portion of his salary was always given to the orphanage homes to help the poor. He taught me how to do all this good things and I am always happy to have such a good father. The only bad habit my father had was smoking. He tried to stop smoking several times but he couldn't and he later died of lung cancer. I do not smoke because of what happened to my father.
My father travelled a lot and I followed him so many times when I was on holiday. He always taught me to be an honest man and to be nice to every man and woman. He taught me never to cheat on a woman and I have been living like this all my life.
My mother is still alive, she is old now. She used to work in a private company until she retired. She is a very lovely woman and she always taught me to take life easy and always believe that I will progress in every area of my life.
I do have a Son and he is 10 years old now. His name is Johnson. He is a very sweet and nice Boy. He is responsible and gentle and I always take him to beautiful places whenever He is on holiday. He lives with my mother in the city of Belfast, but he attends a boarding school which means he lives in the school and he can only come home during the holidays.
Nowadays, my mother is very old so she cannot take care of my Son all the time. Due to this reason, Johnson is attending a private boarding school. He lives in school and comes home during holiday period and sometimes for the weekend. I was married to his mother but his mother died when he was 4 years old. She was a very nice woman and I was always faithful to her. Since my wife died, I have been living a lonely life. I have concentrated more on my work and my family but now I am ready to love again. I have put the past behind me and I am now ready to start a serious relationship that will lead to marriage and I am happy that I have found you.
I want you to know that my father and my mother taught me and trained me to be a gentle man with a good heart and integrity and I hereby promise to be very serious and faithful in this relationship. I pray that we will be able to understand each other very well and be faithful to each other so that we can have a successful future.
I spend all my time working, taking care of the family and watching football matches. I have been living a very lonely life but now I have decided to put all the past behind and start a new family. Even my Son told me that he wants me to get married because he wants to have a mother.
I love many kinds of sports like swimming, football, tennis, table tennis, basketball, golf. I like hiking, skating and climbing also. I also love to eat different kinds of food.
I am a very busy man at work. I am an Aeronautic Engineer. My Job is to manufacture some Air Plane parts and also repair. It is a very busy job but I still find time to take rest sometimes.
I know that this means of communication may not be enough for us to understand each other totally but I want me and you to be serious and put all our hearts in this relationship and I believe that God will guide and protect us and this relationship and make us successful future partners.
The Only thing that I want from a woman is just true love; understanding and good heart and I believe that you have these qualities. I hope you will accept my request for a serious relationship and please in your response, tell me about yourself just as I have done in this email. Please tell me more about yourself, your life, family and work.
Please, I beg you not to be worried about the distance between us. I promise that if we can have good communication, I am willing to travel to meet you anywhere you are in the world and then we can plan our future together. I believe that God will make our destiny lead us to each other.
I ask you to please accept me in your heart totally and I promise that I will be a very faithful man and I will never hurt you no matter the situation.
I am sending some more of my pictures to you. These are pictures of me and my Son.
I have been trying to cancel my subscription on the dating website but I don’t know how to do it but I will ask my friend to help me do it soon. I want you to also leave the dating website so that the both of us can put all our hearts in this relationship.
May God be with you always, I look forward to your reply and pictures and a happy and successful future with you.
Rodwell Stanford (PhD)
Consultant/project Supervisor
Magellan aerospace
Greyabbey, Newtownards BT22 2QE
Nothern Ireland
United Kingdom
遅くメールしてすみません。私は私の遅い応答について非常に怒っていると思います。本当にごめんなさい送っていただいた素敵な写真をありがちましょう。あなたの写真を参照してください私は、本当にうれしい。あなたは非常にかわいい女性と私はそんなに感心します。どのようにあなたとあなたの家族ですか私はすべてのうまくやっている願っています。あなたの仕事の罰金に起こっているすべてを願っています。完全に私の e メールに回答があると、一種のジェスチャーに感謝してこのメールを記述する私の喜びです。また、我々 が通信できるように、私にあなたのメール アドレスを与えるために再度ありがとうしたいです。あなたの誠実さのおかげで非常に。私は時間にメールをしないことが、私の遅い返事の理由は私はので、私は私が右の装置を購入するかどうかを確認しようとして忙しく仕事背中家の進行中のいくつかの機器を購入するためにオーストリアでここだけ本当にごめんなさい。あなたと私知ってほしいので、私は人生のパートナーの深刻な必要性に出会い系サイトを登録されている知っているくらい光栄です。今年 49 歳の若を私し、私は若くなっていないよ。私の友人の多くと言うが私は私の年齢よりも若く見えるし、いくつかの時間、彼らは私に「赤ちゃんの顔」を呼び出す結婚につながるとの深刻な関係を持つことができる成熟した女性を見つけるつもりので出会い系サイトに入社。私はここのゲームをプレイします。私は時間で人生のパートナーを見つけることを本当に真剣に考えています。This is my very first time of registering for a dating website. I have never believed that I can find the right person on the dating site but one of my old colleagues found a very kind heart and responsible lady on the same website and he advised me to join the dating website so I registered on the website. I was going through the website and I found you. My heart directed me to contact you and I was very happy when you replied.My Friend is presently living happily with his wife and I am hoping that this communication between me and you can develop to a successful relationship that will lead to marriage. I am really very serious about getting married because I want to settle down with a wife and enjoy the rest of my life with a happy family.Please put it in mind that I am not the type of man that only loves a woman because of physical beauty. I care more about a woman with a good heart. I do not believe in age difference, race, religion or distance. What I care most about is a woman with a good heart, true love and understanding.Now that I have found you, I pray that God will guide and protect us and lead us through a relationship that will lead to a happy marriage and happy family.Let me introduce myself so that you can know more about me, My names are Rodwell Stanford. I am a native of Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom (UK) but I also have U.SA citizenship. I am the only child of my parents and I am 49 years. My father is from Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom while my mother is from the U.S.Aイギリスの北アイルランドはまたたくさんのノルマンの城、山と谷のある非常に美しい場所です。私の父はいくつかの年前。彼は非常によく、強い男彼は優しくて素敵な心を持っていた。彼はそんなに私の母を愛し、母にだまされたことがないです。彼は常に私は正直な人間であることを教えた。彼は工学の教授だった、建築家とビルダーとしてコンサルタントとして多くの企業で働いた。彼は良い男だったし、彼は常に母のない赤ちゃんや様々 な孤児院家にヘルプを表示します。彼の給料の一部は、貧しい人々 を助けるに孤児院の家に常に与えられました。彼はどのようにこのすべての良いものを教えてくれた、このような良い父親がいるといつも幸せ。私の父が持っていた唯一の悪い習慣が吸っていた。彼は何度かたばこを止めようとしたが、彼はできなかったし、後で肺癌のため死去します。私は父に何が起こったのため喫煙しません。私の父が、たくさん旅行したし、休日に何度も彼に従いました。彼は常に正直な人間であること、すべての男性と女性に親切に私を教えた。彼は教えてくれた女性でカンニングをすることはないと私はすべて私の人生このような住んでいます。私の母はまだ生きている、彼女は今古いです。彼女は彼女が引退するまで民間企業で働いていました。彼女は非常に美しい女性と彼女を常に教えてくれた人生と常に私は私の人生のあらゆる分野で進行することを信じる。私は息子を持って、彼は今 10 歳。彼の名前は、Johnson は。彼は非常に甘く、素敵な少年です。彼は責任がある、穏やか、私常に彼を取る美しい場所に彼は休日のたびに。ベルファスト市で母と暮らしているが、彼はことを意味彼は学校に住んで、彼のみ来ることができる寄宿学校に出席休暇中に家。今日では、私の息子のすべての時間彼女気を取ることはできませんので、私の母は非常に古いです。この理由により、Johnson は私用寄宿学校を出席しています。彼は学校に住んでいるし、来る休日の期間の間に、時に週末の家。彼の母親と結婚したが、4 歳の頃に母親が死亡しました。彼女はとても素敵な女性だと私はいつも彼女に忠実だった。私の妻が亡くなって、私は孤独な生活住んでいます。私は、私の仕事と私の家族のより集中しているが、もう一度愛すること準備ができている今します。私の後ろに過去を入れているし、私は今、結婚につながる真剣な関係を開始する準備ができて私は満足していることを発見したこと。知っている非常に重大かつこの関係に忠実であることを誓います整合性と私と私の父と母、私を良い心優しい男にする訓練を教えてくれ我々 は非常によくお互いを理解し、我々 は将来の成功を持つことができますので、お互いに忠実であることができることを祈ります。I spend all my time working, taking care of the family and watching football matches. I have been living a very lonely life but now I have decided to put all the past behind and start a new family. Even my Son told me that he wants me to get married because he wants to have a mother.I love many kinds of sports like swimming, football, tennis, table tennis, basketball, golf. I like hiking, skating and climbing also. I also love to eat different kinds of food.I am a very busy man at work. I am an Aeronautic Engineer. My Job is to manufacture some Air Plane parts and also repair. It is a very busy job but I still find time to take rest sometimes.I know that this means of communication may not be enough for us to understand each other totally but I want me and you to be serious and put all our hearts in this relationship and I believe that God will guide and protect us and this relationship and make us successful future partners.The Only thing that I want from a woman is just true love; understanding and good heart and I believe that you have these qualities. I hope you will accept my request for a serious relationship and please in your response, tell me about yourself just as I have done in this email. Please tell me more about yourself, your life, family and work.Please, I beg you not to be worried about the distance between us. I promise that if we can have good communication, I am willing to travel to meet you anywhere you are in the world and then we can plan our future together. I believe that God will make our destiny lead us to each other.あなたが全くあなたの心で私を受け入れてください、私は約束非常に忠実な人をするし、私は状況に関係なくあなたを傷つけることは決してお願いします。私は私の写真のいくつかの詳細を送っています。これらは、私と私の息子の写真です。出会い系サイトに私のサブスクリプションをキャンセルしようとしているどのようにそれを知っている don't が私がすぐにそれを行うための私の友人が要求されます。私達の両方はこの関係のすべての私たちの心を置くことができるので、出会い系サイトも残して欲しい。神がありますあなたと常に、私はあなたの応答や写真と幸せと成功の未来をあなたと楽しみ。おかげで、[ロドウェル] スタンフォード大学 (博士課程)コンサルタント/プロジェクトのスーパーバイザーマゼラン ・ エアロ スペースニュートナーズ BT22 2QE Greyabbey北アイルランド英国