00:15:42,450 --> 00:15:46,460
Lightroom and Photoshop on the keyboard
and really just streamline your workflow
00:15:46,460 --> 00:15:51,610
I love these things I used them on
location as well as in the studio in the
00:15:51,610 --> 00:15:55,720
studio is a larger set the setting
you're seeing here is a smaller set
00:15:55,720 --> 00:15:58,910
which will use them sometimes in the
studio but more often than not when I'm
00:15:58,910 --> 00:16:03,300
traveling or on location Tim over at RPG
keys was nice enough when he heard that
00:16:03,300 --> 00:16:07,080
I was doing this class for digital
classroom to offer a three-month demo
00:16:07,080 --> 00:16:13,870
exclusively for subscribers digital
classroom so here is the URL to ask you
00:16:13,870 --> 00:16:18,410
please don't share that is exclusively
for subscribers classroom so three-month
00:16:18,410 --> 00:16:24,900
33 months to really check this little
gadget out and again I think you'll be
00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:29,580
sold super quick it's pretty amazing and
I definitely use it all the time it
00:16:29,580 --> 00:16:30,930
allows me to
00:16:30,930 --> 00:16:35,660
again you know set up all sorts of
shortcuts that I would not be able to do
00:16:35,660 --> 00:16:36,130
without it
00:16:36,130 --> 00:16:42,640
ok moving on let's take a look at the
tools that I use for in terms of
00:16:42,640 --> 00:16:48,100
software for plugins and extensions and
actions in Photoshop as well as in
00:16:48,100 --> 00:16:50,740
Lightroom so we'll start with like them
since that's what we're working on at
00:16:50,740 --> 00:16:55,709
the moment so 4 Presets I love the
Kubota image tools presets also onOne
00:16:55,709 --> 00:17:01,870
Perfect Layers photographers tool box
has a suite of amazing tools I encourage
00:17:01,870 --> 00:17:07,439
you to check them out I put the URL
there for you modify is what I used to
00:17:07,439 --> 00:17:11,179
apply my watermark again I spoke about
that a little bit previously and I'll
00:17:11,179 --> 00:17:16,470
show you how to do that how I've got
that to set up in Lightroom but that
00:17:16,470 --> 00:17:22,600
gives me a much crisper watermark them
when I found is possible with laterooms
00:17:22,600 --> 00:17:27,220
on board the watermark tools so that
seem strange but that's that's what I
00:17:27,220 --> 00:17:31,929
found also story border which allows you
to create some really neat storyboard
00:17:31,929 --> 00:17:39,070
kind of inspiration boards and also read
court exporter again I used red card so
00:17:39,070 --> 00:17:41,940
for those of you who used red card it's
a way to export directly from Lightroom
00:17:41,940 --> 00:17:48,720
into into red card and then Jeffrey's
Lightroom goodies plugins and tools and
00:17:48,720 --> 00:17:54,590
i'd give you the URL as well for that
now I use Lightroom or as an asset
00:17:54,590 --> 00:18:00,179
management tool because I just more
comfortable working in Photoshop but
00:18:00,179 --> 00:18:05,870
that said much of what I do in Photoshop
you can do in Lightroom but it doesn't
00:18:05,870 --> 00:18:10,010
afford me the ability to kind of dig in
a little bit deeper and really had an
00:18:10,010 --> 00:18:14,400
individual control that I have with
layer based corrections so that's why I
00:18:14,400 --> 00:18:19,650
end up in Photoshop more often but I
will use Lightroom 4 white balance
00:18:19,650 --> 00:18:23,600
exposure correction the target
adjustment tools local adjustment brush
00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:30,250
custom presets flags for editing or go
over that with everything I used for do
00:18:30,250 --> 00:18:35,510
it owns watermarking and fulfilling
print orders basically it's my
00:18:35,510 --> 00:18:40,330
centralized hub for all of the assets in
a job and I use a one catalog her
00:18:40,330 --> 00:18:45,000
job workflow so that I can easily
archive off the jobs that are no longer
00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:49,019
in play that are done I can get rid of
them are kept them off to external hard
00:18:49,019 --> 00:18:52,620
drives and be done with it if everything
was all of my jobs were in there would
00:18:52,620 --> 00:18:55,840
be a lot harder for me to do that
00:18:55,840 --> 00:19:00,779
alright in terms of Photoshop plugins
extensions and actions I used Kubota
00:19:00,779 --> 00:19:05,740
image tools and the dashboard the
dashboard is an amazing tool one that I
00:19:05,740 --> 00:19:09,350
highly recommend if you haven't if
you're not using it currently definitely
00:19:09,350 --> 00:19:13,760
check out about us dashboard basically
it's a search engine for all of your
00:19:13,760 --> 00:19:19,610
actions it allows you to quickly find
everything that youre looking for tips
00:19:19,610 --> 00:19:24,659
that put them already your fingertips
it's real time saver and then a host of
00:19:24,659 --> 00:19:28,880
other plugins light on one's Perfect
Photo Suite nik software totally rad by
00:19:28,880 --> 00:19:33,880
Rad Lab and replica chrome are really
great imagine onyx portraiture and noise
00:19:33,880 --> 00:19:38,880
we're in real grain from I'll building
fund the album builder lots of great
00:19:38,880 --> 00:19:42,889
actions like red leaf actions Breanna
grams actions in new action sets are
00:19:42,889 --> 00:19:47,360
amazing and awesome new favorites flora
Bella collection actions are just
00:19:47,360 --> 00:19:52,669
dynamite there's a whole show shannon
has a just a whole suite of incredible
00:19:52,669 --> 00:19:57,710
action so definitely check out flora
Bella and then I do a lot of old school
00:19:57,710 --> 00:20:01,610
manual Photoshop techniques that
essentially just are
00:20:01,610 --> 00:20:07,870
revolve around using adjustment layers
masks layers and blending modes or do a
00:20:07,870 --> 00:20:10,019
lot of that sort of stuff
00:20:10,019 --> 00:20:14,159
all right let's see how we're doing on
our important and render alright so
00:20:14,159 --> 00:20:20,299
through the magic of video we're going
to pause for a minute and we will rejoin
00:20:20,299 --> 00:20:25,909
our workflow here when everything is
rendered so we will see you back here in
00:20:25,909 --> 00:20:30,480
a minute
00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:36,390
alright our files have been imported
converted or other converted first
00:20:36,390 --> 00:20:41,540
imported and rendered you can see here
also that the file names have been
00:20:41,540 --> 00:20:42,610
00:20:42,610 --> 00:20:47,830
you can see it I'll cover over you can
see her that it's 0002 digital classroom
00:20:47,830 --> 00:20:49,860
dot com Chicago etc
00:20:49,860 --> 00:20:52,970
0001 all the way through to the end
00:20:52,970 --> 00:20:57,960
oK so that's taken care of our naming
and are importing and converting to DNG
00:20:57,960 --> 00:21:02,760
and the next thing is we want to begin
the editing process one thing I want to
00:21:02,760 --> 00:21:06,390
say I'm not sure that I covered this in
the in the shooting portion of the class
00:21:06,390 --> 00:21:12,070
but I'm glad that these first images
here or in this mix because it reminded
00:21:12,070 --> 00:21:16,870
me what you see her as a hotel room in
these folks on my flashes firing when
17300:15:42,450--> 00:15:46,460Lightroom 和 Photoshop 在键盘上和真的只是简化您的工作流17400:15:46,460--> 00:15:51,610我爱我用他们对这些事情在工作室中的位置17500:15:51,610--> 00:15:55,720工作室是一大组的设置你现在看到的在这里一个较小集17600:15:55,720--> 00:15:58,910这将使用它们有时在工作室,但往往不我的时候17700:15:58,910--> 00:16:03,300旅游或提姆结束在 RPG 位置上键是好足够当他听说那个17800:16:03,300--> 00:16:07,080我在做这类的数字课堂提供三个月演示17900:16:07,080--> 00:16:13,870专为订户数字因此,这里是要问你的 URL 的教室18000:16:13,870--> 00:16:18,410请不要分享就是完全为订阅服务器教室等三个月18100:16:18,410--> 00:16:24,90033 个月,真的检查这个小小工具出来又认为你会18200:16:24,900--> 00:16:29,580出售超级快是相当惊人,一直肯定使用它18300:16:29,580--> 00:16:30,930允许我这样18400:16:30,930--> 00:16:35,660你知道再设置了种种的将不能够做的快捷方式18500:16:35,660--> 00:16:36,130没有它18600:16:36,130--> 00:16:42,640好吧让我们前进看一看我使用的工具18700:16:42,640 --> 00:16:48,100software for plugins and extensions andactions in Photoshop as well as in18800:16:48,100 --> 00:16:50,740Lightroom so we'll start with like themsince that's what we're working on at18900:16:50,740 --> 00:16:55,709the moment so 4 Presets I love theKubota image tools presets also onOne19000:16:55,709 --> 00:17:01,870Perfect Layers photographers tool boxhas a suite of amazing tools I encourage19100:17:01,870 --> 00:17:07,439you to check them out I put the URLthere for you modify is what I used to19200:17:07,439 --> 00:17:11,179apply my watermark again I spoke aboutthat a little bit previously and I'll19300:17:11,179 --> 00:17:16,470show you how to do that how I've gotthat to set up in Lightroom but that19400:17:16,470 --> 00:17:22,600gives me a much crisper watermark themwhen I found is possible with laterooms19500:17:22,600 --> 00:17:27,220on board the watermark tools so thatseem strange but that's that's what I19600:17:27,220 --> 00:17:31,929found also story border which allows youto create some really neat storyboard19700:17:31,929 --> 00:17:39,070kind of inspiration boards and also readcourt exporter again I used red card so19800:17:39,070 --> 00:17:41,940for those of you who used red card it'sa way to export directly from Lightroom19900:17:41,940 --> 00:17:48,720into into red card and then Jeffrey'sLightroom goodies plugins and tools and20000:17:48,720 --> 00:17:54,590i'd give you the URL as well for thatnow I use Lightroom or as an asset20100:17:54,590 --> 00:18:00,179management tool because I just morecomfortable working in Photoshop but20200:18:00,179 --> 00:18:05,870that said much of what I do in Photoshopyou can do in Lightroom but it doesn't20300:18:05,870 --> 00:18:10,010afford me the ability to kind of dig ina little bit deeper and really had an20400:18:10,010 --> 00:18:14,400individual control that I have withlayer based corrections so that's why I20500:18:14,400 --> 00:18:19,650end up in Photoshop more often but Iwill use Lightroom 4 white balance20600:18:19,650 --> 00:18:23,600exposure correction the targetadjustment tools local adjustment brush20700:18:23,600 --> 00:18:30,250custom presets flags for editing or goover that with everything I used for do20800:18:30,250 --> 00:18:35,510it owns watermarking and fulfillingprint orders basically it's my20900:18:35,510 --> 00:18:40,330centralized hub for all of the assets ina job and I use a one catalog her21000:18:40,330 --> 00:18:45,000job workflow so that I can easilyarchive off the jobs that are no longer21100:18:45,000 --> 00:18:49,019in play that are done I can get rid ofthem are kept them off to external hard21200:18:49,019 --> 00:18:52,620drives and be done with it if everythingwas all of my jobs were in there would21300:18:52,620 --> 00:18:55,840be a lot harder for me to do that21400:18:55,840 --> 00:19:00,779alright in terms of Photoshop pluginsextensions and actions I used Kubota21500:19:00,779 --> 00:19:05,740image tools and the dashboard thedashboard is an amazing tool one that I21600:19:05,740 --> 00:19:09,350highly recommend if you haven't ifyou're not using it currently definitely21700:19:09,350 --> 00:19:13,760check out about us dashboard basicallyit's a search engine for all of your21800:19:13,760 --> 00:19:19,610actions it allows you to quickly findeverything that youre looking for tips21900:19:19,610 --> 00:19:24,659that put them already your fingertipsit's real time saver and then a host of22000:19:24,659 --> 00:19:28,880other plugins light on one's PerfectPhoto Suite nik software totally rad by22100:19:28,880 --> 00:19:33,880Rad Lab and replica chrome are reallygreat imagine onyx portraiture and noise22200:19:33,880 --> 00:19:38,880we're in real grain from I'll buildingfund the album builder lots of great22300:19:38,880 --> 00:19:42,889actions like red leaf actions Breannagrams actions in new action sets are22400:19:42,889 --> 00:19:47,360amazing and awesome new favorites floraBella collection actions are just22500:19:47,360 --> 00:19:52,669dynamite there's a whole show shannonhas a just a whole suite of incredible22600:19:52,669 --> 00:19:57,710action so definitely check out floraBella and then I do a lot of old school22700:19:57,710 --> 00:20:01,610manual Photoshop techniques thatessentially just are22800:20:01,610 --> 00:20:07,870revolve around using adjustment layersmasks layers and blending modes or do a22900:20:07,870 --> 00:20:10,019lot of that sort of stuff23000:20:10,019 --> 00:20:14,159all right let's see how we're doing onour important and render alright so23100:20:14,159 --> 00:20:20,299through the magic of video we're goingto pause for a minute and we will rejoin23200:20:20,299 --> 00:20:25,909our workflow here when everything isrendered so we will see you back here in23300:20:25,909 --> 00:20:30,480a minute23400:20:30,480 --> 00:20:36,390alright our files have been importedconverted or other converted first23500:20:36,390 --> 00:20:41,540imported and rendered you can see herealso that the file names have been23600:20:41,540 --> 00:20:42,610changed23700:20:42,610 --> 00:20:47,830you can see it I'll cover over you cansee her that it's 0002 digital classroom23800:20:47,830 --> 00:20:49,860dot com Chicago etc23900:20:49,860 --> 00:20:52,9700001 all the way through to the end24000:20:52,970 --> 00:20:57,960oK so that's taken care of our namingand are importing and converting to DNG24100:20:57,960 --> 00:21:02,760and the next thing is we want to beginthe editing process one thing I want to24200:21:02,760 --> 00:21:06,390say I'm not sure that I covered this inthe in the shooting portion of the class24300:21:06,390 --> 00:21:12,070but I'm glad that these first imageshere or in this mix because it reminded24400:21:12,070 --> 00:21:16,870me what you see her as a hotel room inthese folks on my flashes firing when