- What?N- What're you doing?
- Don't you know?N- It's started.
- Started?N- Yeah.
How's it?
I'm not good at this.NNervous.
- Me neither.N- Do it.
Hi, together, hello!
- One, two, three,N- Hello!
- Should turn this on first.N- Volume down first.
This is like,
- Live phone calls during radio.N- Right.
Again, say hello.
- One. two, threeN- Hello?
You kidding me?
That's all?
Do something more,Nlike introduction.
Just hello is weird.
You first, I'm so nervous.
- Our program name?N- Yeowoosai.
Yeowoosai,Nand sentimental something...?
The clinic for sensitivity.
Hello! Yeowoosai.
Doctor clinic...
Is it right?
The name isn't decided yet.
We don't know what we're doing,Npresicely.
Anyway, I'm Jung Hyung-don.
Hello, I'm the writer for thisNradio program.
Yeowoosai, Yoo Byung-jae.
Low voice like DJ, as always.
Hello, the midnight radio...
Different tone, again.
The legend of FM radio.
The one for sensitivity.
The main DJ, the handsome one,NYoo Hee-yeol.
Nice to meet you.
They say pervert.
Pervert, lots of pervert.
Ah, it's like this.
So many "stay out of sight".
Anyway, today,
You gather at this precious time.
And do this.
I've never doneNthis kind of media,
- So,N- Don't know what to do.
Nothing like this during 50.
I've never done thisNwhen I did many programs,
Is this broadcasting,
Or chatting? I dont' know.NAnyway,
Now, through V app,
Lots of people watch our show,
In real time.
How many viewers?
About 15,900.
The heart, great.
- How many?N- Some sent,
The hearts now.
We can't count how many now.
There's a thing likeN"Star balloon"?
No, it's too...
- Heart...N- You ask for Star?
Nothing like that?
If you can,
Give 100 Stars to Byung-jae.
What're you talking about?
The time changed.
What's Star balloon?
If I do something for the show,
Like showing somethingNI'm good at,
They give Star ballon.
- Ah...N- It can be used as cash.
I know what that is.
If act like this, Stars.
What''s "this"?
There're things...
Tha's what our writer said.
Now, 408,000 are connected,
And watching us.
You kidding me?
408,000 people...
We're today because...
Of the new program.
Friday night.
On Friday night,
- From Friday to Satuday.N- Right.
At midnight,
Saturday 12:00 A.M.
We're trying to make
A new radio program.
Introduce the title officially.
- You're the writer.N- The writer.
It's not because we didn'tNmemorize or something.
The transparent radio show,NYeowoosai,
Will be aired first on the 18th,
Friday, at midnight.
- 1 comes right after 18.N- Sorry.
On the 18th,Nthe transparent show,
What's the meaning of itNby the way?
Some may don't know about it.
That's what you do.
Hee-yeol decided the meaning.
Here, let's talk about love.
Goose bump.
- Gosh.N- Yeowoosai!
Here, let's talk about love.
Ah, tears.
At those sleepless nights.
Listeners always have reasons.
Like, feeling lonely,
Or too busy.
Or don't have jobs,
There're many.
For them,
For our night moths,
Whose sensitivity drained.
Let's cure it by love.
At the clinic for sensitivity.
At Yeowoosai,Ntalk about our love.
We're gonna do the show
For three hours.
I can see why your're the legend
in radio broadcasting industry.
The comments...
You sounded so natural, smooth,
You judge me now?
I wanna learn a lot.
From you.
Now, I feel like
I wouldn't talk the muchNat the show.
The 4th emperor next to me,
Jung Hyung-don and meNdo together.
Double DJs are rare at night.
But we do.
Why not?
During that late time,
Announcers often do DJs.
Toned-down, quiet.
During that time.
But we do like this.
Very rare case.
Double DJs at midnight.
What's important is,
We lower the price.
For one person.
Yeah, it was just set.
He said he would do it anyway.
Then just do it togetherNwith that price.
Any good comment?
"The title is too much."
You did this at the Radio Heaven?
"You did this at the Radio Heaven."
Ah, it was not the title.
Just say Yeowoosai.
There was a cafe at the front ofNYensei and Ewha university.
- Called Yeowoosai.N- Right.
We're influenced from that cafe.
A little bit.
So became the title.
You sent some comments.
"Worried about it filled withNadult-only storied."
We do too.
Hee-yeol is...
No I'm not.
- Ah, it's live...N- Be careful.
About that,
I reflect on myself a lot.
"Call Hyerin's."
Hyerin's, Yang Hye-rin sent this.
Call her.
That's all?
- I did...N- More sweetly.
To make her heart fluttered.
Good wishes.
Hyerin's, study hardNand good luck for the exam.
She will.
"God Byung-jae."
Regretting Yoo Hee-yeol said...
What's wrong?
You read that by yourself.
Ah, unconsciously.
I just read them all.
Without screening.
Transparent communication.
That's Yeowoosai.
Anyway, well,
There're viewers watching us.
But we're an unexpectedNcombination.
Can be new, fresh.
I've never imagined we threeNdo something,
- Right.N- Here's a question.
You're the writer or the pannel?
- Here?N- Yeah.
The writer.
He gets paid as a writer.
That's not easy.
How so?
I didn't decide about that.
It's just all set.
We three finally met.
People said they'veNnever imagined
About this combination.
First, we've never talkedNwith each other.
About ourselves.
We do it together,Nthat was all.
So what do you think?
Before we introduce ourselvesNto you
Through V app,
We gathered and talked aboutNthe things?
About our roles.
- Hee-yeol set the things.N- Right.
The writer, Byung-jae.
The double DJ, Hyung-don.
So it was all decided.
I feel so grateful
To do this with you.
They've been so hot recently.
The 4th emperor, the bubbles.
At the maximun level.
The bubbles are about to explode.
So I should stop this.
Let's use the sidebreak.
A little bit.
That's why I wanted to do it
With him, the hot TV star.
This is the time to strengthen
His sensitivity more firmly.
For that, we need Byung-jae.
We're too old, frankly,
To be said as young people.
- Right.N- Ggon-dae, ggon-dae.
I'm not that much.
Me neither.
You're at the cutline.
You look like the oldestNamong us.
- Sorry.N- Let's talk about
The thought about each other.
You Byung-jae first.
The double DJ Jung Hyung-don.
The writer has his own eyes.
DJ Jung, Dr. Jung.
Frankly, I'm a huge fan
Of both of you.
But I heard
You do many pilot programs.
- Too many, now.N- So wondering about dedication...
How's it?
Now, this show would be
The third pilot program.
I should do my best to makeNthem regular, whatever it is.
Including this one.
- Right.N- Yes.
You're right.
"Yoo Hee-yeol's a good host."
Too obvious. I'm bored.
- "Call my name" are too many.N- Right.
- Bubble Hyung-don.N- Ggondae Hee-yeol.
"I'm nervous to watch it.NThe baby would wake up."
Someone said.
"You're cute, Byung-jae."
Keep saying this.
Like a very passionate fan of Yoo.
The beard is... What's this?
Why suddenly?
I shaved before.
Use a different razor?
What're you talking about?
The singer...
What do you think about himNas a writer?
I worked with him for a year.
- At SNL.N- SNL.
We did different clips.
So different,Nso it's almost first time
To see him.
So the answer is?
I just like you.NMakes me comfortable.
Why red eyes, now?
I felt little bit relieved.
Because he said to meNbefore it was started.
I asked it's pilot,
Then he said no, regular.
In fact,
Woking with Yoo Hee-yeol means,
It's decided from the top.
JTBC's program was said to beNthe pilot,
But we all thought it's regular.
The only one.
Having influence on KBS's radioNentertainment and department.
- He's the only celebrity.N- They're crazy.
Crazy, seriously.
The thing you don't know is,
The world's moving byNAdam Smith's invisible hands...
It is.
Here Adam Smith came.NWe just chatted.
- Sorry.N- Wow.
I have one thing to ask toNJung Hyung-don.
Every program has the core.
The key person.
In idol groups,
members have their own part.
Visual, vocal, rap, dancer.
Which part do you play among us?
Among us?
- To be honest.N- Frankly.
Less than 30cm distance.
With no make-up.
We all put no make-up.
Don't you think I'm not the last?
- Who, you?N- Yes?
- Why laughing?N- No, no.
Seriously, when I saw youNfirst time,
You can't remember.
I saw you at the radioNprogram first.
I can't remember.
One day I saw you passing byNthe corrider.
Like this.
Ah, KBS radio.
I thought a new programNwould be made.
For Korean Chinese.
- Ah, "we're Chinese fans."N- Lots of Chinese fans.
That's it.
Wake up.
Ah, yeah.
I mean, that was good.
I could feel the image of China.
For me,
I'm in charge of the visual.
O.K. Just do that.
I look coxy, and...
Byung-jae's in charge ofNthe nerd part.
Is that exist anyway?
Because, they're important.
They're the royal listeners.
And your nick name isNGet it Byung-su, no, Byung-jae.
Get it byung-su.
- Your name is Byung-su?N- Byung-jae.
I know it now.
- Right.N- "Get it Byung-jae, I want him."
I've heard thatNI look like Moon Geun-young.
A lot.
- Who?N- Moon Geun-young.
Not Park Geun-young?
A bit like Moon Guen-young...
Aren't you cold?
Looks cold.
- No, it's live now.N- Sorry, sorry.
- No.N- Sorry, I didn't know.
I thougt we wore somthing inside.
- Sorry.N- YG gave this?
- Always wearing this.N- Sorry.
It's all opened.
The invisible hands, again.
They move Byung-jae.
Looks cold, it's getting cold.
Let's talk about our contents.
What's your part, then?
Me, I'm like...
The person providing balls
In football?
Park Ji-sung?
- Right.N- Striker.
Striker. Messi.
I'm just a ball provider.
- Pass the ball.N- You're not gonna be funny?
I'm not funny.
In appearance.
I myself is...
I don't know what it is,
But I envy people who're justNborn to be funny.
Seriously, I didn't know before.
But in this close distance...
Your head looks like...
An inverted trigle...
How can I say...NCarrot roots?
- The cartoon Wizet.N- Right, whichever it is,
Kises chocolate?
Like this?
The upside down of Lava corn.
- Wanted to be cute.N- Me too,
-什麼? N-你打算如何做?-難道你不知道嗎? 它開始的 N-。-開始? N-是。它是如何?我不擅長這個。 NNervous。-我既不。 N-做它。嗨,一起,你好!-一、 二、 三,N-你好!-應打開這第一.N-卷下來第一次。這就像,-直播電話期間無線電.N-右。再次,說你好。-之一。兩個,threeN-你好嗎?你在開玩笑嗎?這是所有嗎?做某事更多,Nlike 介紹。奇怪的是,只是你好。你第一次,我很緊張。你好。-我們的程式名稱? N-Yeowoosai。Yeowoosai,Nand 感傷...?診所的敏感性。你好!Yeowoosai。臨床......醫生...醫生診所...它是對的嗎?該名稱還沒有作出決定。我們不知道我們在做什麼,Npresicely。不管怎麼說,我是榮亨唐。你好,我是作家 thisNradio 程式。Yeowoosai,柳秉宰。你好。低沉的聲音像 DJ,一如既往。你好,午夜電臺......不同的語調,再次。FM 收音機的傳說。那個的靈敏度。主要的 DJ,那個英俊、 NYoo 熙烈。我很高興認識你。他們說變態。變態,變態的很多。啊,是這樣。這麼多"別讓人看見"。不管怎麼說,今天,你聚集在這寶貴的時間。而這樣做。我從來沒有 doneNthis 的介質,-所以,N-不知道該怎麼辦。沒有什麼像這期間 50。權利。我從沒做 thisNwhen 我做了很多的程式,這是廣播,嗎或聊天嗎?我不 ' 知道。 NAnyway,現在,通過 V 的應用程式,很多人看我們的節目,在真正的時間。有多少觀眾?Now...About 15,900.The heart, great.- How many?N- Some sent,The hearts now.We can't count how many now.There's a thing likeN"Star balloon"?No, it's too...- Heart...N- You ask for Star?Nothing like that?If you can,Give 100 Stars to Byung-jae.What're you talking about?The time changed.What's Star balloon?If I do something for the show,Like showing somethingNI'm good at,They give Star ballon.- Ah...N- It can be used as cash.I know what that is.If act like this, Stars.What''s "this"?There're things...Tha's what our writer said.Right.Now, 408,000 are connected,And watching us.408,000?You kidding me?408,000 people...We're today because...Of the new program.Friday night.On Friday night,- From Friday to Satuday.N- Right.At midnight,Saturday 12:00 A.M.We're trying to makeA new radio program.Introduce the title officially.- You're the writer.N- The writer.It's not because we didn'tNmemorize or something.The transparent radio show,NYeowoosai,Will be aired first on the 18th,Friday, at midnight.- 1 comes right after 18.N- Sorry.On the 18th,Nthe transparent show,Yeowoosai.What's the meaning of itNby the way?Some may don't know about it.That's what you do.Hee-yeol decided the meaning.Here, let's talk about love.Goose bump.- Gosh.N- Yeowoosai!Here, let's talk about love.Ah, tears.Gosh.At those sleepless nights.Listeners always have reasons.Always.Like, feeling lonely,melancholy,Or too busy.Or don't have jobs,There're many.For them,For our night moths,Whose sensitivity drained.Let's cure it by love.At the clinic for sensitivity.At Yeowoosai,Ntalk about our love.We're gonna do the showFor three hours.I can see why your're the legendin radio broadcasting industry.The comments...You sounded so natural, smooth,You judge me now?I wanna learn a lot.From you.Now, I feel likeI wouldn't talk the muchNat the show.The 4th emperor next to me,Jung Hyung-don and meNdo together.Double DJs are rare at night.But we do.Why not?During that late time,Announcers often do DJs.Toned-down, quiet.During that time.But we do like this.Very rare case.Double DJs at midnight.What's important is,We lower the price.For one person.Yeah, it was just set.He said he would do it anyway.Then just do it togetherNwith that price.Any good comment?"The title is too much."You did this at the Radio Heaven?"You did this at the Radio Heaven."Ah, it was not the title.Just say Yeowoosai.There was a cafe at the front ofNYensei and Ewha university.- Called Yeowoosai.N- Right.We're influenced from that cafe.A little bit.So became the title.You sent some comments."Worried about it filled withNadult-only storied."We do too.Hee-yeol is...No I'm not.- Ah, it's live...N- Be careful.About that,I reflect on myself a lot."Call Hyerin's."Hyerin's, Yang Hye-rin sent this.Call her.Hyerin's.That's all?- I did...N- More sweetly.To make her heart fluttered.
Good wishes.
Hyerin's, study hardNand good luck for the exam.
She will.
"God Byung-jae."
Regretting Yoo Hee-yeol said...
What's wrong?
You read that by yourself.
Ah, unconsciously.
I just read them all.
Without screening.
Transparent communication.
That's Yeowoosai.
Anyway, well,
There're viewers watching us.
But we're an unexpectedNcombination.
Can be new, fresh.
I've never imagined we threeNdo something,
- Right.N- Here's a question.
You're the writer or the pannel?
- Here?N- Yeah.
The writer.
He gets paid as a writer.
That's not easy.
How so?
I didn't decide about that.
It's just all set.
We three finally met.
People said they'veNnever imagined
About this combination.
First, we've never talkedNwith each other.
About ourselves.
We do it together,Nthat was all.
So what do you think?
Before we introduce ourselvesNto you
Through V app,
We gathered and talked aboutNthe things?
About our roles.
- Hee-yeol set the things.N- Right.
The writer, Byung-jae.
The double DJ, Hyung-don.
So it was all decided.
I feel so grateful
To do this with you.
They've been so hot recently.
The 4th emperor, the bubbles.
At the maximun level.
The bubbles are about to explode.
So I should stop this.
Let's use the sidebreak.
A little bit.
That's why I wanted to do it
With him, the hot TV star.
This is the time to strengthen
His sensitivity more firmly.
For that, we need Byung-jae.
We're too old, frankly,
To be said as young people.
- Right.N- Ggon-dae, ggon-dae.
I'm not that much.
Me neither.
You're at the cutline.
You look like the oldestNamong us.
- Sorry.N- Let's talk about
The thought about each other.
You Byung-jae first.
The double DJ Jung Hyung-don.
The writer has his own eyes.
DJ Jung, Dr. Jung.
Frankly, I'm a huge fan
Of both of you.
But I heard
You do many pilot programs.
- Too many, now.N- So wondering about dedication...
How's it?
Now, this show would be
The third pilot program.
I should do my best to makeNthem regular, whatever it is.
Including this one.
- Right.N- Yes.
You're right.
"Yoo Hee-yeol's a good host."
Too obvious. I'm bored.
- "Call my name" are too many.N- Right.
- Bubble Hyung-don.N- Ggondae Hee-yeol.
"I'm nervous to watch it.NThe baby would wake up."
Someone said.
"You're cute, Byung-jae."
Keep saying this.
Like a very passionate fan of Yoo.
The beard is... What's this?
Why suddenly?
I shaved before.
Use a different razor?
What're you talking about?
The singer...
What do you think about himNas a writer?
I worked with him for a year.
- At SNL.N- SNL.
We did different clips.
So different,Nso it's almost first time
To see him.
So the answer is?
I just like you.NMakes me comfortable.
Why red eyes, now?
I felt little bit relieved.
Because he said to meNbefore it was started.
I asked it's pilot,
Then he said no, regular.
In fact,
Woking with Yoo Hee-yeol means,
It's decided from the top.
JTBC's program was said to beNthe pilot,
But we all thought it's regular.
The only one.
Having influence on KBS's radioNentertainment and department.
- He's the only celebrity.N- They're crazy.
Crazy, seriously.
The thing you don't know is,
The world's moving byNAdam Smith's invisible hands...
It is.
Here Adam Smith came.NWe just chatted.
- Sorry.N- Wow.
I have one thing to ask toNJung Hyung-don.
Every program has the core.
The key person.
In idol groups,
members have their own part.
Visual, vocal, rap, dancer.
Which part do you play among us?
Among us?
- To be honest.N- Frankly.
Less than 30cm distance.
With no make-up.
We all put no make-up.
Don't you think I'm not the last?
- Who, you?N- Yes?
- Why laughing?N- No, no.
Seriously, when I saw youNfirst time,
You can't remember.
I saw you at the radioNprogram first.
I can't remember.
One day I saw you passing byNthe corrider.
Like this.
Ah, KBS radio.
I thought a new programNwould be made.
For Korean Chinese.
- Ah, "we're Chinese fans."N- Lots of Chinese fans.
That's it.
Wake up.
Ah, yeah.
I mean, that was good.
I could feel the image of China.
For me,
I'm in charge of the visual.
O.K. Just do that.
I look coxy, and...
Byung-jae's in charge ofNthe nerd part.
Is that exist anyway?
Because, they're important.
They're the royal listeners.
And your nick name isNGet it Byung-su, no, Byung-jae.
Get it byung-su.
- Your name is Byung-su?N- Byung-jae.
I know it now.
- Right.N- "Get it Byung-jae, I want him."
I've heard thatNI look like Moon Geun-young.
A lot.
- Who?N- Moon Geun-young.
Not Park Geun-young?
A bit like Moon Guen-young...
Aren't you cold?
Looks cold.
- No, it's live now.N- Sorry, sorry.
- No.N- Sorry, I didn't know.
I thougt we wore somthing inside.
- Sorry.N- YG gave this?
- Always wearing this.N- Sorry.
It's all opened.
The invisible hands, again.
They move Byung-jae.
Looks cold, it's getting cold.
Let's talk about our contents.
What's your part, then?
Me, I'm like...
The person providing balls
In football?
Park Ji-sung?
- Right.N- Striker.
Striker. Messi.
I'm just a ball provider.
- Pass the ball.N- You're not gonna be funny?
I'm not funny.
In appearance.
I myself is...
I don't know what it is,
But I envy people who're justNborn to be funny.
Seriously, I didn't know before.
But in this close distance...
Your head looks like...
An inverted trigle...
How can I say...NCarrot roots?
- The cartoon Wizet.N- Right, whichever it is,
Kises chocolate?
Like this?
The upside down of Lava corn.
- Wanted to be cute.N- Me too,