Step 1: Identify the event goals<br>When determining the goals behind the event, you are simply documenting the purpose of the event. Why is the event taking place?<br><br>Here are some key questions to consider when you are setting and defining event goals and objectives:<br><br>Why are you having this event?<br>Why are you inviting attendees to your event?<br>What are the key things you want an attendee to walk away with?<br>How will you specifically measure your success?<br>Keep the big picture in mind<br><br>The right event goals should align with the brand’s overall marketing as well as the company’s mission statement. For event planners, remembering the big picture can be really helpful since their minds are normally focused on a million little tasks and deadlines.<br><br>Define key performance goals<br><br>Understanding the “why” is important — but you also need to quantify your goal.<br><br>When working with performance goals, focus on what you can control. For example, you can’t really control how many of your attendees choose to return for next year’s conference. But you can assess the number of sales made before, during, and after the conference. And how many qualified leads you obtained. And how many of those leads your team followed up with in the months after. The list can go on and on.<br><br>It may seem obvious, but when decision-makers look to measure the success of the event, they may suggest things that are simply out of your control. That’s why the way you phrase your goals can be so important when communicating expectations to your higher-ups.