Then, let's concentrate on getting the work done before now.<br><br>"Well, I'll leave the rest of the carie."<br><br>Yes, yes, go wild for the first time in a long time.<br><br>"Then I'll take it seriously, too."<br><br>We leave the release of the employees to the kaido, and we aim at the commercial district centering on Suera.<br><br>It can be said that the light shines, but if magic is used, it is possible to poke the chance of the patrol and the watch enough.<br><br>If it is a minority, it is still a thing.<br><br>We run through the company at a shadowy speed so as not to make as much noise as possible.<br><br>Sometimes stop and check the location of the surveillance camera, the patrol spirits cheat suela, and the patrol scares the memory a part of the body into a bat and attracts attention.<br><br>That's how you run to your destination.<br><br>And even if you come across it.<br><br>"At a.".<br><br>I knew I could fight well now.<br><br>Just because it's a demon army, it doesn't seem to be all about the strength that the instructors are out of control.<br><br>You can fight enough just because you're a trained soldier.<br><br>The lizardman troops who noticed us who stopped are approached here without neglecting it.<br><br>Don't hesitate to show your will to fight with a spear or sword in your hand.<br><br>You can't use monkey screams.<br><br>Then, the tooth is clenched and power is put into the foot.<br><br>One pair, and the other party's belly is skewered with the mineral tree by the glance of the waist ruin sat on the one of the head.<br><br>There is no conflict though it cuts to existence near man.<br><br>But<br><br>"This is the one that's going to be 」<br><br>"It's a human thing!! 」<br><br>If you don't do it, this is the place to be.<br><br>The more you can tell, the more likely you are to kill.<br><br>As you move on to the next operation, your ears will catch the wind-cutting sound and teach you the sword muscle, even if you don't see Lizardman's sword.<br><br>"I can't see it, but i can't see it!? 」<br><br>The other party's words are not in Japanese.<br><br>It might be a common word used by the original Devil army.<br><br>I don't know what you're saying, but it seems so unbelievable that I avoided it with nuances.<br><br>It is embarrassed to be believed.<br><br>"I'm saaaaaaaaaaaa 」<br><br>It quickly flows the body while reassuring in the corner of the mind that it is not a troublesome other party.<br><br>The blade to return and the mineral which pierced lizardman are pulled out by the point of kicking, the blade which comes out to the left side is caught by the ear, and the aim is cut off diagonally to the body which became empty.<br><br>"I'm going to have to do it. 」<br><br>The other party is flinching.<br><br>It's also not a chance.<br><br>A humane hero would add a touch here, but unfortunately I'm not as good as i can say with a smile.<br><br>It might be a lizard man who pulls the waist, and is frightened, and is relentless.<br><br>"Oh, my God! 」<br><br>They beat somebody off<br><br>No, in this case, would you like to kick it off?<br><br>Make sure you've done a breath of time so far, looking around and killing everyone.<br><br>"It's the same moan ing like a human being with a mouth like this."<br><br>If the side head is kicked with the foot tool processed with iron, consideration can be flown even in a heavy-duty living thing.<br><br>I admire the moaning that i give even if I speak like a lizard that I am the same as a human being.<br><br>How's Suella? 」<br><br>"It's almost time. But it was very helpful to have a memory a."<br><br>"We're just doing seal treatment to cover the membrane, so anyone in the commercial zone can put it in."<br><br>"It's difficult for me who's in charge of passing the path for that commercial district."