The effect of the remelting process on the wear
resistance of Ni-base cladding was determined by
abrasive and adhesive wear tests. The weight loss
was used as the mark of wear resistance. In pin-ondisc
type abrasive tests, rod-shaped specimens of
7mm diameter were pressed on 1000-grid emery
papers, while the emery papers on a disc of 250 mm
diameter rotated at a shaft speed of 100 rpm. In the
adhesive wear tests, the specimens were machined to
rectangular bars of 10 mm × 10 mm × 30 mm and
were pressed with 75 kg force on the edge of a
countersample disc. The countersample disc, made
of quenched carbon steel with hardness of HRC 63,
had diameter and thickness of 35 mm and 10 mm,
respectively. The shaft rotating speed was 200 rpm.
In both tests, the specimens were lubricated with oil.
The effect of the remelting process on the wearresistance of Ni-base cladding was determined byabrasive and adhesive wear tests. The weight losswas used as the mark of wear resistance. In pin-ondisctype abrasive tests, rod-shaped specimens of7mm diameter were pressed on 1000-grid emerypapers, while the emery papers on a disc of 250 mmdiameter rotated at a shaft speed of 100 rpm. In theadhesive wear tests, the specimens were machined torectangular bars of 10 mm × 10 mm × 30 mm andwere pressed with 75 kg force on the edge of acountersample disc. The countersample disc, madeof quenched carbon steel with hardness of HRC 63,had diameter and thickness of 35 mm and 10 mm,respectively. The shaft rotating speed was 200 rpm.In both tests, the specimens were lubricated with oil.