ENGINE MASTER CONTROL D/O (3)MASTER LEVER STARTING AND RESET FUNCTIONThe ENGine MASTER switch interfaces with the starting sequence andmemory reset function of the EEC.STARTING MODE OPERATIONDuring engine start, the ENGine MASTER switch command signalis sent to the EIVMU, which then transmits the information to theEEC in digital format.In case of EIVMU failure or loss of the EIVMU output data, the EECuses its reset hardwired discrete signals from the ENGine MASTERswitch as command signal.RESET FUNCTIONThe ENGine MASTER switch is directly hardwired to the EEC tosatisfy the reset function. Moving the ENGine MASTER lever from"ON" to "OFF" position closes both channel reset discrete contacts,thus resetting both EEC channels; all data stored in the EEC RAMmemory will be cleared.