00:24:40,290 --> 00:24:45,030
shortlisted amused to know you saw me
just shifting here to 20% just to do a
00:24:45,030 --> 00:24:52,830
little softer brush as they fine-tune
these ages talked about this in the
00:24:52,830 --> 00:25:00,040
initial introduction to the tools that I
use when I have a selection and I feel
00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:03,620
it's not quite right when it comes to
the whiteness you saw I usually just
00:25:03,620 --> 00:25:08,050
feather that selection and then I can
paint into it just brush brush and brush
00:25:08,050 --> 00:25:12,640
till it feels a little crisper no
because archer I want it so again the
00:25:12,640 --> 00:25:17,560
same process that are used there to take
away some of that here he said that I
00:25:17,560 --> 00:25:23,000
was bleeding into the metal which we
don't want to come into our paintbrush
00:25:23,000 --> 00:25:30,750
deselect and then come in here is
painted in like that cool
00:25:30,750 --> 00:25:35,090
slight issues here as well
00:25:35,090 --> 00:25:42,910
ok but some discrepancy down here but
let's see what happens when you turn on
00:25:42,910 --> 00:25:47,960
our top player definitely something
going on down here and I didn't work
00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:48,780
that as well
00:25:48,780 --> 00:25:55,140
could be as easy as lifting our crop up
or we can just find the public earlier
00:25:55,140 --> 00:26:03,350
that creates this deep edge for us so we
see it come into our layer 7 just buried
00:26:03,350 --> 00:26:10,290
in unmarked cop just got to delete will
be done so far done this be done these
00:26:10,290 --> 00:26:19,040
here and this is just try to find that
mask obviously the easiest family just
00:26:19,040 --> 00:26:24,020
left our crop up but let's take a look
see if I could find it often when you do
00:26:24,020 --> 00:26:28,710
the judgment layers and you move them
around you can get these edges like this
00:26:28,710 --> 00:26:35,820
so I'm just going to come and just go
through these folders and see which one
00:26:35,820 --> 00:26:43,030
of these is causing this issue so it's
on the T later we now know as I turned
00:26:43,030 --> 00:26:50,710
it off and this is try to find where
that nice cars to have all these
00:26:50,710 --> 00:26:54,210
different masks hear what I want to do
is go through them one by one
00:26:54,210 --> 00:26:58,590
no I haven't named him to go through
them and just hit my back / key and I
00:26:58,590 --> 00:27:04,920
will see where the masked which once its
they'll be able to find this one which
00:27:04,920 --> 00:27:14,230
is causing this issue so we want to mask
this out brush it has 0
00:27:14,230 --> 00:27:21,299
and it's not causing all the problems
actually just did a little bit so there
00:27:21,299 --> 00:27:25,890
must be another layer that has to say
miss you do this all the way down into
00:27:25,890 --> 00:27:31,870
the corner here
00:27:31,870 --> 00:27:38,940
alright so you can continue the process
dental you find the other layer that's a
00:27:38,940 --> 00:28:06,140
part of this masking issue not theirs
00:28:06,140 --> 00:28:08,700
00:28:08,700 --> 00:28:11,200
to make sure we do the same here and
this time you gonna do it a little
00:28:11,200 --> 00:28:15,460
differently this is just wasn't
highlights in the face so it's no reason
00:28:15,460 --> 00:28:19,110
to have all this other stuff around it
just going to select this committee i
00:28:19,110 --> 00:28:26,280
illness than black which now is red and
there's those issues are gone
00:28:26,280 --> 00:28:36,290
00:28:36,290 --> 00:28:41,200
there then this issue right in here in
for this i think im just gonna turn off
00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:46,950
my light layer and by the way I turned
all these off there's still some other
00:28:46,950 --> 00:28:48,790
color adjustments here
00:28:48,790 --> 00:28:52,530
final color adjustments but I used to
take these off in a clean things up when
00:28:52,530 --> 00:28:58,560
I clone and all that stuff is this stuff
affect what's underneath is this tough
00:28:58,560 --> 00:29:02,790
sometimes affect what's underneath so
just going to keep those off maybe keep
00:29:02,790 --> 00:29:09,270
that on for now I see alright so this is
obviously masking issue that should be
00:29:09,270 --> 00:29:19,630
pretty easy defects turned off and come
to our pillow here and then select a
00:29:19,630 --> 00:29:26,080
layer mask erase I think we just want to
see more of what's going on in the
00:29:26,080 --> 00:29:34,850
shadow here that we do it
00:29:34,850 --> 00:30:18,080
see maybe I'll take more care
00:30:18,080 --> 00:30:25,870
just trying to find these changes and
find a place for all this stuff can line
00:30:25,870 --> 00:30:42,909
up I say it's a little messy in here so
hoping that this hearing K
00:30:42,909 --> 00:30:48,220
that's good for the pillow and there's
this piece underneath there is one tier
00:30:48,220 --> 00:30:59,899
2 gotta come in on her Oscar out a bit
early 2000 here I hope you avoid some of
00:30:59,899 --> 00:31:04,509
these other tutorials as you know prior
to watching this finished moving quite
00:31:04,509 --> 00:31:10,479
quick in order to move this along so
coming down to our main content later
00:31:10,479 --> 00:31:17,479
come into the mosque use a brush I just
try to find an engine here where you can
00:31:17,479 --> 00:31:42,669
blend things together a little bit
00:31:42,669 --> 00:31:56,320
that are we better but I realize now
that out to you as a lot more yellow
00:31:56,320 --> 00:32:01,730
than the sheets are so let's just say
that right away I don't want to hurt to
00:32:01,730 --> 00:32:07,359
change color but I do want two sheets to
blend better so you coming to our Quick
00:32:07,359 --> 00:32:14,210
Mask I'm just going to select the sheets
that comes up this way
00:32:14,210 --> 00:32:21,200
exit this we gonna inverter selection
and let's put it right above to you or
00:32:21,200 --> 00:32:26,489
maybe in hearing how all these unnamed
adjustment layers just go ahead of blue
00:32:26,489 --> 00:32:32,130
00:32:32,130 --> 00:32:39,630
now I'm just using the arrow keys to
just push up on the blue
00:32:39,630 --> 00:32:47,700
so this is before and after you see this
area now blends better for sure it
00:32:47,700 --> 00:32:52,450
wasn't just believe actually think I'm
back on the blue tiny bit gonna come
00:32:52,450 --> 00:32:55,190
into a RGB and just make it a little bit
00:32:55,190 --> 00:33:01,740
i think is a brightness issue as well
maybe is also a little bit of maybe in
00:33:01,740 --> 00:33:09,530
there or didn't quite fit so did the
blue chips maybe just take away some red
00:33:09,530 --> 00:33:22,540
and add their better and then again some
blue mice that makes me quite happy my
00:33:22,540 --> 00:33:30,070
beautiful down a little bit on the RGB
so this is always intense like this
00:33:30,070 --> 00:33:34,320
always go back and forth back and forth
and try my way and this area here since
00:33:34,320 --> 00:33:38,240
more yellow in the shadows than the top
so maybe it's a matter of coming into
21600:24:40,290--> 00:24:45,030入围的逗乐,要知道你看见我只这里转向 20%只是为了做21700:24:45,030--> 00:24:52,830小软毛的牙刷,他们微调这一年龄段谈到了在这21800:24:52,830--> 00:25:00,040初步介绍的工具,我当我有选择,我觉得使用21900:25:00,040--> 00:25:03,620当它来到的时候不是很正确你看见我通常只是白度22000:25:03,620--> 00:25:08,050选择然后可以的羽毛进去的油漆只刷毛刷和笔刷22100:25:08,050--> 00:25:12,640直到感觉没有一点保鲜盒因为阿切尔,我再一次想它22200:25:12,640--> 00:25:17,560那里用于采取的相同过程走了一些,在这里他说,我22300:25:17,560--> 00:25:23,000在流血成金属的我们不想走进我们的画笔22400:25:23,000--> 00:25:30,750取消选择,然后来这里是画中一样,很酷22500:25:30,750--> 00:25:35,090以及轻微的问题在这里22600:25:35,090--> 00:25:42,910好吧但是这里的一些差异,但让我们看看会发生什么,当你打开22700:25:42,910--> 00:25:47,960我们的顶级球员确实有走这里,我没有工作22800:25:47,960--> 00:25:48,780以及22900:25:48,780--> 00:25:55,140可以简单地作为举起我们的农作物或者我们可以早些时候发现市民23000:25:55,140 --> 00:26:03,350that creates this deep edge for us so wesee it come into our layer 7 just buried23100:26:03,350 --> 00:26:10,290in unmarked cop just got to delete willbe done so far done this be done these23200:26:10,290 --> 00:26:19,040here and this is just try to find thatmask obviously the easiest family just23300:26:19,040 --> 00:26:24,020left our crop up but let's take a looksee if I could find it often when you do23400:26:24,020 --> 00:26:28,710the judgment layers and you move themaround you can get these edges like this23500:26:28,710 --> 00:26:35,820so I'm just going to come and just gothrough these folders and see which one23600:26:35,820 --> 00:26:43,030of these is causing this issue so it'son the T later we now know as I turned23700:26:43,030 --> 00:26:50,710it off and this is try to find wherethat nice cars to have all these23800:26:50,710 --> 00:26:54,210different masks hear what I want to dois go through them one by one23900:26:54,210 --> 00:26:58,590no I haven't named him to go throughthem and just hit my back / key and I24000:26:58,590 --> 00:27:04,920will see where the masked which once itsthey'll be able to find this one which24100:27:04,920 --> 00:27:14,230is causing this issue so we want to maskthis out brush it has 024200:27:14,230 --> 00:27:21,299and it's not causing all the problemsactually just did a little bit so there24300:27:21,299 --> 00:27:25,890must be another layer that has to saymiss you do this all the way down into24400:27:25,890 --> 00:27:31,870the corner here24500:27:31,870 --> 00:27:38,940alright so you can continue the processdental you find the other layer that's a24600:27:38,940 --> 00:28:06,140part of this masking issue not theirs24700:28:06,140 --> 00:28:08,700there24800:28:08,700 --> 00:28:11,200to make sure we do the same here andthis time you gonna do it a little24900:28:11,200 --> 00:28:15,460differently this is just wasn'thighlights in the face so it's no reason25000:28:15,460 --> 00:28:19,110to have all this other stuff around itjust going to select this committee i25100:28:19,110 --> 00:28:26,280illness than black which now is red andthere's those issues are gone25200:28:26,280 --> 00:28:36,290cool25300:28:36,290 --> 00:28:41,200there then this issue right in here infor this i think im just gonna turn off25400:28:41,200 --> 00:28:46,950my light layer and by the way I turnedall these off there's still some other25500:28:46,950 --> 00:28:48,790color adjustments here25600:28:48,790 --> 00:28:52,530final color adjustments but I used totake these off in a clean things up when25700:28:52,530 --> 00:28:58,560I clone and all that stuff is this stuffaffect what's underneath is this tough25800:28:58,560 --> 00:29:02,790sometimes affect what's underneath sojust going to keep those off maybe keep25900:29:02,790 --> 00:29:09,270that on for now I see alright so this isobviously masking issue that should be26000:29:09,270 --> 00:29:19,630pretty easy defects turned off and cometo our pillow here and then select a26100:29:19,630 --> 00:29:26,080layer mask erase I think we just want tosee more of what's going on in the26200:29:26,080 --> 00:29:34,850shadow here that we do it26300:29:34,850 --> 00:30:18,080see maybe I'll take more care26400:30:18,080 --> 00:30:25,870just trying to find these changes andfind a place for all this stuff can line26500:30:25,870 --> 00:30:42,909up I say it's a little messy in here sohoping that this hearing K26600:30:42,909 --> 00:30:48,220that's good for the pillow and there'sthis piece underneath there is one tier26700:30:48,220 --> 00:30:59,8992 gotta come in on her Oscar out a bitearly 2000 here I hope you avoid some of26800:30:59,899 --> 00:31:04,509these other tutorials as you know priorto watching this finished moving quite26900:31:04,509 --> 00:31:10,479quick in order to move this along socoming down to our main content later27000:31:10,479 --> 00:31:17,479come into the mosque use a brush I justtry to find an engine here where you can27100:31:17,479 --> 00:31:42,669blend things together a little bitbetter27200:31:42,669 --> 00:31:56,320that are we better but I realize nowthat out to you as a lot more yellow27300:31:56,320 --> 00:32:01,730than the sheets are so let's just saythat right away I don't want to hurt to27400:32:01,730 --> 00:32:07,359change color but I do want two sheets toblend better so you coming to our Quick27500:32:07,359 --> 00:32:14,210Mask I'm just going to select the sheetsthat comes up this way27600:32:14,210 --> 00:32:21,200exit this we gonna inverter selectionand let's put it right above to you or27700:32:21,200 --> 00:32:26,489maybe in hearing how all these unnamedadjustment layers just go ahead of blue27800:32:26,489 --> 00:32:32,130there27900:32:32,130 --> 00:32:39,630now I'm just using the arrow keys tojust push up on the blue28000:32:39,630 --> 00:32:47,700so this is before and after you see thisarea now blends better for sure it28100:32:47,700 --> 00:32:52,450wasn't just believe actually think I'mback on the blue tiny bit gonna come28200:32:52,450 --> 00:32:55,190into a RGB and just make it a little bitbrighter28300:32:55,190 --> 00:33:01,740i think is a brightness issue as wellmaybe is also a little bit of maybe in28400:33:01,740 --> 00:33:09,530there or didn't quite fit so did theblue chips maybe just take away some red28500:33:09,530 --> 00:33:22,540and add their better and then again someblue mice that makes me quite happy my28600:33:22,540 --> 00:33:30,070beautiful down a little bit on the RGB所以这是总是像这样强烈28700:33:30,070--> 00:33:34,320总是去来回来回并尝试我的方式和这一领域在这里以来28800:33:34,320--> 00:33:38,240更多的黄色阴影中比顶部所以,也许它是即将来临的