Per your request, we enclose herewith the following documents for your signature:
1. Written Resolution of the sole Shareholder (WR mem)
(please print 3 copies, signed by Mr. Pai)
2. Written Resolution of the sole Director (WR dir)
(please print 3 copies, signed by Mr. Pai)
3. Requesting letter to the Inland Revenue Department for Notice of No Objection
to a Company being Deregistered (IRD no obj letter form)
(please print 1 copy, signed by Mr. Pai on P.2 and blank the date)
4. Application for Deregistration of Private Company or Company Limited by Guarantee
(please print 3 copies, signed by Mr. Pai on P.3 and blank the date)
Kindly arrange to have all documents signed and returned to us before 28th January, 2016
for our further action. We also enclose our bill for your kind settlement.