Dear Ma San San,
For Soil Disposal, please send me official letter with company letter head. Following items must be described in it.
During soil disposal,
Plot A-4 will follow systematic carrying process and will keep clean along the road.
Plot A-4 will dispose only at the location that MJTD allows.
Plot A-4 will take responsibilities if something damage is happened by soil carriers of Plot A-4.
Please mention following items also.
-Estimated total soil volume you will dispose
-Daily volume you will dispose
-Start date and End date
-Daily disposal hour from ….am to….pm
-Contact information of in charge person
Please be careful road cleaning.
-Use Cover
-Make backside opening lock of truck fit.
-Describe your Lot No: on the truck.
-Slow speed when passing through Speed Bump.
Best Regards,
Thura Win – Civil Engineer
Operations Department, MJTD