Purchase of fixed assets:<br>5.1 The purchase of fixed assets must be in accordance with the approved balance sheet.<br>5.2 If you wish to purchase an asset that is not supported within the budget, a request must be made from the requesting management to obtain the approval of the General Manager of the company after the approval of the purchasing director and inform the budget officials to make the necessary adjustments.<br>5.3 Any fixed asset must be numbered once it is purchased and received and the number must be installed on the fixed asset so that it is difficult to remove it.<br>5.4 The numbering system must ensure that the number is not repeated even if the assets are in different locations.<br>5.5 All fixed assets (excluding land) must be secured with appropriate fair (market) value coverage.<br>5.6 All employees of the company must work to protect and preserve the company's assets.<br>5.7 All employees of the Company should report any practices that are detrimental to the company's assets or the use of assets other than the purpose of use.<br>5.8 A computerfixed asset scoring record should contain all fixed asset items and related details such as:<br>• Estimated cost and production life (or depreciation ratio), accumulated depreciation, annual depreciation and scrap value.<br>• Extensions, locations, officials, and information on the date of ownership and suppliers.