Buongiorno ho ricevuto l'oggetto 171241811472 ma non funzionano bene alcuni tasti. Avevo ordinato due uguali di colore diverso. Quello con codice 181323741854 funziona mentre questo alcuni tasti non vanno bene. Come ed a chi devo ritornare l'oggetto? Grazie Sumo550
Good morningI received the 171241811472 object but do not work well some keys.I had ordered two equal of different color.The one with 181323741854 code works but some keys don't go well.How and to whom should I return the item?Thank youSumo550
Object I received in the morning, but 171241811472 preheater preheater key not some. I ordered two of the same color code is and preheater work. And this part of the 181323741854 key not. Who I'm preheater is an object? Sumo550