Hallo Ellie,
nein, auf keinen Fall ! Das Board ist, wie bereits erwähnt, beim
ersten Einsatz mehrfach gebrochen. Um Ihnen entgegen zu kommen,
schlage ich vor, als Ersatz das komplette Gehäuse zu schicken, wir
übernehmen den Zusammenbau mit dem technischen Teil. Das
Ersatzgehäuse bitte in der Farbe "weiß".
Beste Grüße
Petra Klüglein
Hi Ellie,.No, definitely not! The Board is, as mentioned above, at thefirst usage broken several times. To meet you,I propose as a replacement to send the complete housing, wetake over the Assembly with the technical part. ThatReplacement housing in the color "white".Best regardsPetra Kamurai

Hello Ellie, no, no way! The board is, as already mentioned, the multiple broken first use. To get to meet them, I propose to send as a substitute the complete housing, we do not assume the assembly with the technical part. The replacement housing please refer to the color "white". Regards Petra Klüglein

hi, ellie,
oh, no! the board has, as already mentioned, the "first use repeatedly broken. in order to meet you, "i propose to replace the complete housing to send, we
take the assembly with the technical part. the "ersatzgehäuse please in the color" white ".
petra best wishes klüglein