Hear only the voice, I think it tears me, yet I am, and I do not have withstand the force, I think I go crazy, changing the do not you board, distanced go, haneunge deal with your heart, also it turned cold, even saying goodbye, you know afraid to catch maps fail me, seounhan Thira also inside, your heart is more difficult, I say a word, even, also handing scared or still please do not say that, given a little time for me, time they walked together to help prevent hurt me Give me, do not look at it that eyes, you take do not even avoid touch, do time, dispose and release we had promised, could not see was standing in for already old like, say, submerged in tears, take care of you so well, keep your mind be left alone, , far back, let me understand my heart, yet please do not say that, for me a little me time, and not even know, you know, the time they walked together, help me not hurt me, do not look at it that gaze, apologetic heart, I do not take blood, touch, and we do time, dispose and release promised, but eventually finished our, time, Needless to return, I'll still remember a beautiful, yet please do not say that, given a little time for me, walked with time will, help me not hurt me, do not look at it that eyes, do not touch blood, take you, do the time, let us not throw away that promise, only hear voices, I think it tears me, I'm sorry, you do not have your own place.