I loved all the trainers. I did. But I think it should be one trainer and that trainer throughout the 418 VOL. 44, NO. 4, JULY 2017 • ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUMwhole program while you’re doing it and not different ones. That way, if you become sick, if something happens, you can call that one, and not sit there, and think, “Okay, whose number? Who do I need to get in contact with, with whoever? What was their name? I don’t remember.” So, I think it should just be one trainer for one participant throughout the program. And it would just make it a lot easier on the patient. And it could probably be helpful for the trainer too because, at the same time, when they’re going to go and see a patient, and a participant hasn’t called, and said, “Okay, well, I don’t want to do it today.” . . . So, I think if it’s one-on-one, it’s going to make that participant work harder because they’ve got that same person, they get used to that person, and that’s the only thing that I would pretty much change about it is just having the same buddy trainer always throughout the whole program.