No concelho de Ponte de Lima, numa região privilegiada do cultivo de castas nobres de uvas brancas, situa-se a Quinta de Valinhas, na freguesia de Vitorino de Piães.
Inserido num local de passagem de peregrinos, esta quinta recebe anualmente milhares de visitantes que consolidam a sua fé ao percorrer os Caminhos de Santiago, com destino a Santiago de Compostela, uma tradição mantida desde o século IX.
Numa paisagem onde a cor verde predomina, vastas encostas de vinha enaltecem a vista de quem passa. Num solo com características graníticas, com uma condução de cordão simples dando vida a vinhedos com características únicas da própria região.
In the municipality of Ponte de Lima, in a privileged region of cultivation of noble white grape varieties, is located the Quinta de Valinhas, in the parish of Vitorino de Piães.A place of passage of pilgrims, this farm receives each year thousands of visitors who are consolidating their faith to walk the way of St. James to Santiago de Compostela, a tradition maintained since the 9th century.In a landscape where green predominates, vast slopes planted with vines extol the view of passers-by. A soil with granite features, with a simple cord giving life to vineyards with unique characteristics of the region.

In the municipality of Ponte de Lima, in a privileged area of cultivation of noble varieties of white grapes, is located valinhas farm, in the parish of Vitorino PI ã es.Inserted in place of the passage of pilgrims, this farm annually receives thousands of visitors that consolidate his faith to walk the roads to Santiago to Santiago de Compostela, a tradition maintained since the 19th century.In a landscape where green prevails, vast vineyard slopes form the view of passersby. In a soil with characteristics of granite, with a conducting cord simple giving life to the vineyards, with unique characteristics of the region.