Boa tarde! Quero cocluir meu pedido e preciso da medida do braço, em circunferencia . pois, tenho o braço muito grosso e preciso verificar o tamanho da pontuação 4xl. então preciso da medida do braço da blusa de numero 4xl. entendeu?
Good afternoon! I want to cocluir my request and takes the measure of arm, in circumference. Yes, my arm is too thick and need to check the score size 4xl. so I need the measurement arm number shirt 4xl. do you understand?
Good afternoon! I want to cocluir my request and I need the measure of the arm, in the circle. Therefore, my arm is very thick and I need to check the size of the score 4XL. So I need the measure of arm of the shirt number 4XL. Do you understand?