Modified Values Clarification
The modified values clarification approach involves a step-by-step process that helps students to make informed and responsible decisions based on a sound value
system that includes values upheld by society. Students are also stimulated to think about and clarify their values through examining their personal feelings and
behaviour patterns using rational thinking, empathy and emotional awareness. At the Pre-University level, students are curious and have the intellectual maturity
to enquire into ethical dilemmas and reflect on concepts in moral philosophy. By modelling effective questioning to guide students to clarify their beliefs and values
through examining their personal feelings and considering the impact of their actions on others, teachers guide students to learn to ask these questions of each
other. Teachers can also use various instructional strategies to enable students to gain awareness of values and beliefs held by others in the classroom or society,
and the reasons or experiences which have led them to hold these. With greater awareness, students may reconsider and modify their decisions based on societal
and universal perspectives.