This 79 years old female patient had the history of 1) Lacunar infarction with right posterior cerebral artery infaction in 2012 2) hypertension for seven years, under medical control 3) hypertension crisis in 2007 due to poor control of blood pressure 4) Diabetes Mellitus under medical control 5) right knee osteoarthritis s/p right TKA 6) right femoral osteoarthritis s/p right ORIF. This time, according to 安養院紀錄, she had poor oral intake, poor Vappetite, nausea for 2 weeks,Lab data showed dehydration and neutrophil left shift, CRP normal, and increased BUN, Cre, Na. CXR no abnormal finding and KUB showed stool impaction, suspect ileus. Due to abdominal pain and con’s cahnge so follow abdominal and brain CT showed . Presence of mass lesion at left abdomen, size up to 7.3 cm, with cystic and solid component, according to image, origin from small bowel first considered, 2. Presence of omental cake, c/w peritoneal seedings., Old insult, right occipital lobe, laboratory data showed WBC 19.28 10^3/uL , %NEUT 92.7 %,urinr : Bacteria 3+ /HPF, we give antibiotic cetazone 1000mg q12h (11/8-11/14), then consultation 急外科 for abdominal mass surgery evaluation Suggestion:1. admission to ICU 2. monitor hemodynamic, consultation 神經內科 for con’s change Impressions:NE showed preserved brainstem reflex and adequate pain stimuli response. No evidence of new intracranial lesion. Suggestion:please check metabolic factors. So she transfer to EICU -12 treatment on 11/08 , consult CVS for aortic thrombosis Suggestion:1. blood pressure control 2. repeat CT scan if abdominal pain occured. Consult nephrologist for renal failure Suggestion:1.check FeNa 2.arrange cardiac echo 3.avoid nephrotoxic agents, folow cardiac echo showed EF88.8%, mild AR, mild MR , mild TR, PR ,consultation CV Suggestion:1. blood pressure control
2. repeat CT scan if abdominal pain occure, however infection control poor so we consultation infection Suggestion:Dear Dr: a case as you mentioenmd above 1. please repeat U/R
2. you may keep cefmetazole 1gm q12h + amikacin 200mg qod 3. intensive sugar control,
Because of abdominal pain improved so we give N-G feeding 500kcal/day and condition stable so transfer to ward on 11/13, however follow laboratory data wbc 21390 we give B/C X 2 then change antibiotic flumarin 1000mg q12h(11/14-) use.
Due to sugar poor control consultation meta Suggest IVF and insulin given for treatment and close monitor conscious and electrolyte and glucose 3. Suggest consult Nephro and monitor renal function 4. Treat underlying disease first and close monitor vital and clinical condition, so transfer to SICU on 11/17, In ICU ,cons confution E2-3M2-3V2-3,blood suger poor control on insulin pump contiune drip .and abdominal pain no improved on MN NPO will arrange CT guided at tomorrow ,then control infection under antibiotic flumarin 1 g q12h used,keep monitor vital signs and correct treatment. During ICU follow up CT Guided Biopsy on 11/19, after discussion with the family conservative treatment,Due to condition more stable ,so she will transfer to ward for continue care and treatment on 11/21. because of PCT 0.984 ng/ml infection suggest flumarin 1000mg q12h (11/25-) due to abdominal CT guided biopsy, showed necrosis tumor so consultation oncology suggest consult hospice team, family can understand the grim outcome and ready for final care, then consult hospic Suggestion:She is suitable for hospice palliative care . We would like to offer combined care at first .so faminly sign DNR (+) on 11/26 and transfer to hospice ward for supportive care.