First of all, I apologize for the misunderstanding, the collect device is not a direct absorption. And Yes, you are right. In EMO exhibition we had informed that we think it’s useless using oil-mist collector without full-enclosure splash guard. Therefore, we decide to make a cover (collector) on the left side of the wheel. The concept is to use the wheel rotation direction (CW) plus the coolant direction (From right to left) which makes the oil-mist go to the left side of the wheel. The cover has a curve and will catch them, and then our original idea is to install a local vacuum device on the coolant tank to absorb it. However, our testing result turns out that Italy LOSMA has the better suction than the local vacuum device. With the cover catching and collecting the oil-mist, it could have better effect. In price term, as you can see in the original quotation that Italy LOSMA is US$1,500. If you accept our suggestion and revision, then the machine will have the cover and oil-mist collector and will not require any extra cost. I have attached a photo showing you the whole idea to prevent paper mistakes. Also, if there’s any necessity to revise the documents which I had submitted to you before, please kindly let me know.