To work as a reason settled
in the Netherlands Dutch employers hire foreign workers, we must first apply for a work permit for the employee, the Dutch formally name
tewerkstellingsvergunning. General employees apply to the Labour Department of the region; artists, musicians, athletes to the Central Labor Department CBA application.
to employees, for example:
* employers must like employment is to have special skills of employees, and employers have tried in the Netherlands recruitment, such as through advertising, but no results. The employer must take this *
a vacancy report to the labour department for more than 5 weeks.* employers prepare monthly to foreign employees to pay for full-time work more than the standard new salary low salary
* hire for expatriate employees schedule fortunately dwellings in the Netherlands, and employers to provide the working environment and living environment must for expatriate employees accepted
* foreign employees must comply with the required by the employer and employee job conditions, has engaged in the vacancy of the qualifications and skills
* foreign employees must have or plan to apply in the Dutch residence VTV
in addition, different working for foreign employees have different age requirements.
considering both employers and employees to meet the basic conditions of the,From the employer's application to the district labour department in Holland, it is required to obtain a certificate of labour. Not to meet the above conditions, it means that the labour department will issue a letter of credit.
the labour department will make a decision according to the current situation and future trend of the labour market. In practice, it is also possible to apply for foreign workers in a certain region is easier, more difficult situation in a certain region.
If a foreign worker get work permit and get a temporary residence vtv. In the Netherlands in remuneration for work, again within 3 years is not to transfer to a new employer; if you want to transfer to a new employer, must have new employer in accordance with the conditions and procedures.Application of new labour permit to the district labour department. If you change employers in 3 years, there may not be a chance to get long-term residence in the future.
if you want the freedom to change employers and not to affect the future of long-term residence, foreign workers should be in continuous for the same employer after 3 years, to the aliens Police Bureau for a "allowed the freedom to engage in paid work," noted, the Dutch is vrijselling Van de tewerkstellingsvergunning
foreign workers in the Netherlands for the same employer continuous work for 5 years, or in accordance with the provisions of the replacement of the employer, can apply for permanent residence.Can also apply for membership in Holland. However, according to the new law, in applying for permanent residence, the aliens police often require foreign workers continue to have sufficient means of subsistence, meaning continue to work there, net income of at least pretty in aid of the number. So, after 5 years of work, the most sensible approach is that people still sign labor contracts with their employers for more than one year, and they will be more smoothly.