ADD_DESC: Add coins, wins, tags, or taggeds to a player.FORCE_END_DESC: Force end a game.FORCE_START_DESC: Force start a game.RELOAD_DESC: Reloads the config.REMOVE_DESC: Remove coins, wins, tags, or taggeds to a player.RESET_STATS_DESC: Reset stats for a player.UPDATE_DESC: Updates the plugin.CREATE_ARENA_DESC: Creates an arena.DELETE_ARENA_DESC: Delete an arena.SET_ARENA_POINT_DESC: Sets the Arena point.SET_LOBBY_POINT_DESC: Sets the TNT Tag lobby point.SET_SPECTATORS_POINT_DESC: Set the spectators point.CHECK_STATS_DESC: Check your stats.CHECK_COINS_DESC: Check your coins.JOIN_DESC: Joins TNT Tag.LEAVE_DESC: Leaves TNT Tag.LIST_ARENAS_DESC: List all the arenas.TRANSFER_DESC: Transfer coins to another player.NOW_HAS_COINS: '{player} now has {amount} coins.'NOW_HAS_WINS: '{player} now has {amount} wins.'NOW_HAS_TAGS: '{player} now has {amount} tags.'NOW_HAS_TAGGEDS: '{player} now has {amount} taggeds.'AVAILABLE_ARENAS: 'Available Arenas: 'INVALID_ARENA: That is not a valid arena!RELOAD_COMPLETE: Reloaded plugin.THERE_WAS_A_RELOAD: There was a reloadARENA_CREATED: Arena {arena} has been created!ARENA_DELETED: Arena {arena} has been deleted!UNSPECIFIED_ARENA: You must specify which arena to delete.CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE: Type /tnttag setup deletearena confirm to confirm this action.%newlineThis cannot be undone.%newlineThe confirmation will expire in 10 seconds.STATS: 'Coins: {money}%newlinePlayers tagged: {tags}%newlineTimes tagged: {taggeds}%newlineWins: {wins}'COINS_CHECK: 'Coins: {amount}%newlineUse /tag transfer coins to transfer coins to another player.'NOT_IN_ARENA: You must be in an arena in order to leave TNT Tag!LEAVE_CURRENT_ARENA: You must first leave the arena you are currently in.COMMAND_ERROR: You cannot perform {command} while playing TNT TagJOINED_FROM_BED: Don't join from a bed.ARENA_ALREADY_STARTED: The game in the arena you are looking for has already started!FULL_ARENA: The arena you are looking for is currently full!JOINED_GAME: '{player} &ejoined the game (&d{size}&e/&d{max_players}&e)'ARENA_NOT_FOUND: The arena you are looking for could not be found!FORCE_STARTING: Force starting the game...ARENA_STARTED_WHEN_FORCE_START: The arena has already started!MINIMUM_REQUIRED_NOT_REACHED: Minimum players must be 2!FORCE_ENDING: Force ending the game...FORCE_END_KICKED: The arena has been force to an end by an admin.FORCE_START_ERROR: The arena hasn't started!SECONDS_UNTIL_GAME_STARTS: '&e{time} seconds until the game starts!'SECOND_UNTIL_GAME_STARTS: '&e{time} second until the game starts!'TNT_RELEASED: '&eThe TNT has been released!'EARNED_50_COINS_BONUS: '&6You earned a total of 50 Coins!'LINE_BREAK: '&6#&7------------------&6#'PLAYER_BLEW_UP: '{player} &eblew up!'ROUND_ENDED: '&eRound Ended'PLAYER_IS_IT: '{player} &eis ''it'''ARENA_TEMP_SAVED: Arena location temporarily saved.LOBBY_TEMP_SAVED: Lobby location temporarily saved.SPECTATOR_TEMP_SAVED: Spectator location temporarily saved.MISSING_LOBBY: Lobby Location is missing.MISSING_ARENA: Arena Location is missing.MISSING_SPECTATOR: Spectators Location is missing.WIN_MESSAGE: '{player} won at TNT Tag!'INVALID_NUMBER: Invalid number.CREATE_SIGN_DESC: Create a sign for a specific arena.CLICK_TO_CREATE_SIGN: Punch any sign to create a join sign for the Arena {arena}.%newlineThis will expire in 60 seconds.SIGN_ALREADY_EXISTS: The sign you punched, is already registered.SIGN_CREATED: Sign successfully created.