Subjective Fatigue Score on Mental and Physical Task DaysThe order effect and the period effect in the crossover design were determined for the VAS at all test days (initial test day, mental task day and physical task day) for both all subjects and eligible subjects. Neither a significant order effect nor period effect were found. Therefore, this study was considered adequate as a crossover study.On the mental task day, the 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA revealed no interaction, and showed significant time factor, indicating that the subjective fatigue changed along with task (Figure 3a). There was no significant difference between AS and placebo, when task period and recovery period were combinedly analyzed. In the difference from score at the end of the mental task, there was a significant difference between AS and placebo (Figure 3b). VAS scores during the physical task were assessed on the day after mental task. The difference between initial VAS score on the physical task day and the mental task day was statistically significant between AS and placebo supplementations; this was considered to be a carry-over effect. Therefore, VAS scores on the physical task day were considered not valid.