"(4B) For the purpose of this regulation, reference to dietary fibre means carbohydrate polymers with three or more monomeric units, which do not suffer from hydrolysis by endogenous enzymes in the human small intestine and when derived from plants, dietary fibres may contain small parts of lignin or other compounds related to polysacacrides in plant cell walls.(4C) Dietary fibre in this regulation includes the following categories:(a)naturally edible carbohydrate polymers that are produced in foods consumed;(b)carbohydrate polymers that have been obtained from raw foods physically, enzymatic or chemically and which have been shown to have physiological effects beneficial to health; Or(c)synthetic carbohydrate polymers that have been proven to have beneficial physiological effects on health.";(d)by deleting paragraph (9)(aa);(e)by replacing subregulations (11) with the following subregulations:"(11) If the numerical information on vitamins and minerals has been specified as a percentage of the Nutrient Reference Value (NRN), the following Nutrient Reference Value (NRN) shall be used for the purpose of labeling: