A father, with his young daughter watching, sacrificed himself to save others when terrorists struck Beirut last week.
The day before the horrific massacre in central Paris left the world reeling, two attacks during rush hour in Lebanon’s capital city killed 45 and wounded more than 200 others.
If not for the heroic actions of one man, the death toll would have been much higher. And now, days later, his heroism is being recognized.
Adel Termos was walking in an open-air market with his daughter, according to reports, when the first suicide bomber detonated his explosives. Amid the instant chaos, Termos spotted the second bomber preparing to blow himself up, and made the quick decision to tackle him to the ground. The bomb went off, killing Termos, but saving countless others, including his daughter.
A father, with his young daughter watching, sacrificed himself to save others when terrorists struck Beirut last week.The day before the horrific massacre in central Paris left the world reeling, two attacks during rush hour in Lebanon’s capital city killed 45 and wounded more than 200 others.If not for the heroic actions of one man, the death toll would have been much higher. And now, days later, his heroism is being recognized.Adel Termos was walking in an open-air market with his daughter, according to reports, when the first suicide bomber detonated his explosives. Amid the instant chaos, Termos spotted the second bomber preparing to blow himself up, and made the quick decision to tackle him to the ground. The bomb went off, killing Termos, but saving countless others, including his daughter.

Seorang bapa, dengan anak muda menonton, mengorbankan dirinya untuk menyelamatkan orang lain apabila pengganas melanda Beirut minggu lalu. Sehari sebelum pembunuhan ngeri di pusat bandar Paris meninggalkan dunia terasa bahang, dua serangan semasa waktu puncak di ibu kota Lubnan membunuh 45 dan mencederakan lebih daripada 200 yang lain. Jika tidak kerana tindakan berani daripada seorang lelaki, angka kematian akan menjadi lebih tinggi. Dan sekarang, hari kemudian, kepahlawanan beliau sedang diiktiraf. Adel Termos berjalan di pasaran terbuka dengan anak perempuannya, menurut laporan, apabila pengebom berani mati meletupkan bahan letupan pertama beliau. Di tengah-tengah huru-hara yang segera, Termos ditemui pengebom kedua bersedia untuk meletupkan dirinya, dan membuat keputusan yang cepat untuk menangani dia ke tanah. Bom itu meletup, membunuh Termos, tetapi menyelamatkan orang lain yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, termasuk anak perempuannya.