Factors influencing timelineswhen developing activities• Internal project delivery schedules andprogrammes• External requirements (e.g. audit/inspectionregimes, to comply with grant funding conditions)• Availability of and access to particular resources(e.g. externally-provided training events,internal/external people)• The pace which is appropriate for the learners.Types offeedback• Content of the learning activity• Relevance of the learning• Timing or duration• Trainer or coach/mentor• Training materials/equipment• Training location or venue• Refreshments• Accommodation• Other participants.Obtainingfeedback• Feedback forms• Feedback surveys (by telephone, electronically, face-toface)• Team meetings• One-to-one review• Follow-up discussion.Improvements fromfeedback• Better training materials/equipment• Different trainer• Development for the trainer• Different timing/duration for the learning activity• Different location/venue• Different practicalarrangements.Learningimprovements• Learning goals and objectives• Learning provider (internal/external trainer, on-the- job coach, mentor)• Learning materials and equipment• Learning location (e.g. training room, on-the-job location, external venue)• Timing and duration of the learningAssess outcomes andperformance of individuals• Direct observation of individuals performing the tasks forwhich they have been trained• Asking questions to determine their knowledge andunderstanding, either verbally or in writing• Obtaining feedback from others who interact with theindividuals/teams• Reviewing work products which recordthe individuals’ work activitiesand outputs• Reviewing progress withthe individuals themselves.