Dear Parent/ Guardian
Supporting your child in making key decisions about their future
The decisions your child will be making during the next few years are important. They should be based on a good understanding of individual strengths and consideration of how their interests and personality will fit into a rapidly changing world of work.
The relationship young people will have with the world of work is incomparable to experiences 10 or 20 years ago:
40% of all jobs today didn't exist 10 years ago. Consequently students need to be better prepared for working life
Competition for the top graduate positions is incredibly high with at least 50-60 applications for every position
Over half of graduate employers warn that applicants with no previous work experience are unlikely to be successful during the selection process.
With this in mind, it has never been more important for young people to get the best possible start in their career path by carefully considering their future options before they make these key decisions.
We are delighted to offer the opportunity for your child to enrol in the Futurewise career guidance and planning programme. Delivered by Inspiring Futures, Futurewise provides a personalised service that will support your child at key educational and career transition points until the age of 23.
How does Futurewise work?
The first step in the programme is the completion of an online psychometric assessment. The results of these assessments are presented within an in-depth profile report and provide a detailed analysis of an individual’s aptitudes, abilities, personality and interests.
Based on this information, a range of careers are suggested for your child’s consideration, alongside advice on subject selection. A personal guidance interview then provides an opportunity to discuss the profile with an experienced, professional and impartial careers adviser.
This is a valuable next step for students who are beginning to look beyond school, consider the careers they might be suited to and develop an action plan allowing them to make confident and informed choices.
The advantages of membership do not stop there. The Futurewise programme provides continued advice to your child (until their 23rd Birthday) and parents including:
Access to MyFuturewise – a personalised webspace providing access to a number of interactive tools, continually updated higher education and careers resources and much more.
Unlimited access to an information, advice and guidance helpline manned by experienced career advisers who are able to research and offer guidance on subject choice, higher education and career related questions.
A free subscription to the online Futurewise magazine and e-newsletters which provide useful tips and advice throughout the membership period.
The school offers an in-house programme of careers support, but we believe the Futurewise Scheme supplements this. We have enclosed a brochure which explains the service in more detail. You may also find the website helpful.
There is a one off charge of approximately £245 for this service. If you wish to enrol, please complete the Consent Form on the Parent Portal before Tuesday, 26 January by following this link. The amount due will subsequently be added to your school account.
The test takes place on Thursday 4 February. If you do enrol and would like ISCO to email your child’s results to you, please include your email address on the Consent Form and confirm you are happy for this information to be forwarded to them.
Please contact us at or if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A Holmes – Head of Sixth Form College
Mr Chris Everett - Head of Year 12 Faculty
Ref: Yinming Feng