About usAttention, open in a new window. PDFSpausdintiEl. mailCompany UAB "Valdorama" was founded in 2006, the founder and sole shareholder of Abhishek Nokas.Mobile tyre fitting and repair of passenger cars and trucks and tractors started to provide the first in Lithuania.Currently, we serve customers already 7 minibuses fully-equipped s, 4 in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Vilnius, 1 1 in 1939, and a stationary spot in a future Highway Manchester 30b.Mobile wheel repair shop-this is a time-saving tire installation and repair service, which do not need to look for. All tire installation and repair work carried out by the customer at the selected location. At the same time can work in many places, as we have a few cars fully equipped all necessary for work.Often people ask: "this is where I get traffic? Our search is not required because all of the work is carried out on the spot, i.e. at your home, on the street, parking lot or in any other place, where you can fit in your car, and our station wagon. We repair and montuojame truck and tractor tires. In this way, the time required for delivery of tyres done expensive to regular wheel workshop and permontavimui. Often, in this way, the customer loses a full-time job and costs. Because the money paid for the lease of the emergency vehicle, shall be paid the remuneration approved by the driver, fuel, etc., the sum of these costs, you can use our mobile service services not one and not two times! Our prices shall apply are the same as for servisuose. And it's already obvious benefits!Also carry a tire-change/repair on the road, and other minor repair works, how to change the wheel smeigių, car or truck starting battery išsikrovus.Hidden screws to rewind.Mobile workshops are equipped with modern machines and fitting of tyres, the tyres of the computerized balancing booth. Tire repair is carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down, and the use of high-quality repair. In the case of a guarantee, and recommendations on how to exploit the remontuotas tires. New tires you can buy from us particularly advantageous prices! Deliver to a location of your choice and we'll follow all the installation work!Mobile service delivery the wheels video