RDFS. The Resource Description Framework Schema
(RDFS) is a W3C standard for knowledge representation.
It is used in most major KBs. RDFS is based on a set U
of resources. In most applications, the resources are partitioned into instances I, relations R, literals L, and classes
C, with U = I∪R∪L∪C. An instance is any entity of the
world, such as a person, a city, or a movie. A class (or
type) is a name for a set of instances. The class city , e.g.,
is the name for the set of all instances that are cities. A
relation is a name for a relationship between resources,such
as loves,or lives In. Every relation comes with a domain
dom(r) ∈ C and a range ran(r) ∈ C. A literal is number,
string, or date. Literals usually take the form "string"^^
datatype. Here, string is the string representation of a
number, date, or other literal. datatype is a resource. For
YAGO,the data types behave exactly like classes: Every literal is considered an instance of its datatype. Usually, instances,classes, and relations are prefixed by a name space.
We omit the namespace in this paper for legibility. In all
of the following,we assume fixed sets U,I,R,L,C. A statement (or fact) is a triple s∈(UL)×R×U, and usually
for most statementss,s∈I×R×(I∪L). The statement
says that the first component(thesubject)stands in the relation given by the second component (the predicate ) with
the third component(theobject),asinhElvis, marriedTo,
Priscillai. We use the statementh Elvis, type, singeri
to say that Elvis is an instance of the class singer . We
usehsinger, subClassOf, person ito say that singer is a
subclass of person. The subClassOf-relationship is transitive. A knowledge base (KB)is set of statements.
Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is written
by a community of volunteers. It is available in 287 languages, and 9 of them have more than 1m articles.
The English edition currently has 4.5m articles. The articles are
written in the Wiki markup language. Each article usually
describes one concept or entity. Most articles are members
of one or several categories. The article about Elvis Presley,e.g.,is in the categories American baritones,and1935
births. Furthermore,many articles havean infobox. An infobox is a set of attribute-value pairs with information about
the article entity, such as {birthplace = Tupelo, birth-
date = 8 January 1935, ...}. The infoboxes are grouped
into templates,which of tencarry the name of the class of the
article entity. For example,the infobox for Elvis be longs to
the template singer. The templates define which attributes
may be used. However, the templates are not used consistently,and the attributes vary widely across articles.
RDFS。资源描述框架架构(RDFS) 是一种 W3C 标准的知识表示方法。它用在大多数主要 KBs。 RDFS 基于一套 U资源。在大多数应用中,资源被划分成实例、 关系 R、 L,文本和类C,与 U = I∪R∪L∪C。一个实例是任何实体的世界,如一个人、 一个城市或一部电影。一类 (或类型) 是一组实例的名称。级的城市,例如,是的是城市的所有实例集的名称。A关系是一个名字对于关系资源,这种因为爱,或住在。每个关系带有域dom(r) ∈ C 和一系列 ran(r) ∈ c。文本是数字,字符串或日期。文本通常采取的形式"字符串"^ ^数据类型。在这里,字符串是的字符串表示形式数字、 日期或其他文字。数据类型是一种资源。为幻灭,数据类型的行为完全像类: 每个文本被认为是其数据类型的实例。通常情况下,实例、 类和关系是 prefixed 由一个名称空间。我们省略易读性本文中的命名空间。在所有下列各项,我们假设固定设置 U,我,R、 L、 c。一个语句 (或事实) 是三重 s∈ (UL) × R × U,和通常对于大多数的 statementss,s∈I×R×(I∪L)。声明说,第一批组件 (这样) 与站的关系,给出了由第二个组件 (谓语)第三个组件 (对象),asinhElvis,marriedTo,Priscillai. We use the statementh Elvis, type, singerito say that Elvis is an instance of the class singer . Weusehsinger, subClassOf, person ito say that singer is asubclass of person. The subClassOf-relationship is transitive. A knowledge base (KB)is set of statements.Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is writtenby a community of volunteers. It is available in 287 languages, and 9 of them have more than 1m articles.The English edition currently has 4.5m articles. The articles arewritten in the Wiki markup language. Each article usuallydescribes one concept or entity. Most articles are membersof one or several categories. The article about Elvis Presley,e.g.,is in the categories American baritones,and1935births. Furthermore,many articles havean infobox. An infobox is a set of attribute-value pairs with information aboutthe article entity, such as {birthplace = Tupelo, birth-date = 8 January 1935, ...}. The infoboxes are groupedinto templates,which of tencarry the name of the class of thearticle entity. For example,the infobox for Elvis be longs tothe template singer. The templates define which attributesmay be used. However, the templates are not used consistently,and the attributes vary widely across articles.