) Every one of us feels angry sometimes. Here are some ways for you to deal with .
First of all, anger is something that you can't avoid. You have to accept it as a part of your . Some people get angry , while it may take others much longer to get angry. Anger is a powerful feeling. it isn't handled well, it could have bad results for both you and your loved ones.
, if you feel out of control, walk away from the situation until you cool down. Do something else, such as going for a run, exercising, or shouting at something like a tree or a car. It is good sometimes to what you feel on a piece of paper. That may you to reduce your anger. And you can talk with your friends. That may make you feel better, too.
Finally, in most cases, you get angry because others misunderstand you or do something to you. So you can't help getting angry. The is that you are not able to keep your feelings under control. To this problem, you should think of the good things in your life. That may help you reduce your anger.