First, these economies generally do not produce but trade, and trade perpetually at subsistence level. If Andrew Saboru can earn double the minimum wage in 16 years – and called a success story – the condition of the others can only be imagined. The players change, they come and go, each barely able to survive but not thrive. I think the charm of Markets of Adam Smith is that it makes thriving possible. And thriving becomes possible not when each one makes his or her living but cooperate to make something which is greater than sum of its parts – create value. Thriving becomes possible when one is able not only to cooperate but to consolidate. The only thing these markets are able to consolidate is crime. As per the latest estimates, net worth of Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar is US$ 6.7 billion. Pirated or imitation goods maybe a large market but they cannot produce anything beyond a better imitation goods, or discovering inexpensive or fast way for preparing pirated materials.