Assay Performance Check
Each Assay Performance Check can be carried out for some of the E170 detection channels according to the programmed order with an APC rack directly placed in the 5 service positions for each check. Therefore, it is not mandatory to have E170 connected to Core when one carries out Assay Performance Check. When Assay Performance Check is applied to both detection channels of a module, they undergo Assay Performance Check in parallel. On the other hand, when Assay Performance Check is applied only to one of the detection channels of a module, the other does not undergo Reset or any other functions during Assay Performance Check. One must place all the necessary rackpacks in the specified positions of the reagent disk. Even reagent scan is carried out, the rackpacks are regarded as being placed in the specified positions of the reagent disk when Assay Performance Check is carried out. All the issues concerning the inventory are dealt with in the usual manner except for the assay rackpacks including the switching-over of the system reagent bottles and tip/vessel/magazine handling. No assay rackpack inventory information is updated. Assay Performance Check is aborted whenever any necessary resources are found short like the assay rackpacks, system reagents, disposables and waste. However,
always the post-operation is carried out as long as it can. The inventory information of the TSH rackpack is not updated either under the assumption that the TSH rackpack are not used common to the measurement of the routine operation. No switching over from a rackpack to another is available for any sorts of rackpacks necessary for Assay Performance Check. The assay parameters and orders for Assay Performance Check are shown in the following tables. However, no incubation time is described there except for AP 24, AP 25, AP 26 or AP 31 which do not have
the fixed incubation time. Numbers in the column “Pos. No.” indicate the position numbers in the reagent disk.