UAB, Melga – tarptautinė įmonė, teikianti automobilių techninės priežiūros ir remonto paslaugas. Bendrovė taip pat prekiauja lengvųjų automobilių, sunkvežimių padangomis, ratlankiais ir kitomis detalėmis. Įmonė sėkmingai vykdo veiklą Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Kaliningrado srityje.
Patirtis ir vertybės – kertiniai sėkmingos veiklos akmenys
Nuoširdžios komandos pastangos būtinos Melgos tikslui bei strategijai įgyvendinti. Bendrovės tikslas – kurti ilgalaikius ir tvirtus santykius su visais klientais; tapti tais, pas kuriuos visuomet norisi grįžti. Šiam tikslui pasiekti skirta strategija: maksimaliai patenkinti klientų poreikius ir pasiūlyti tai, kas viršija lūkesčius.
LTD., an international company providing Melga-car maintenance and repair services. The company also trades in tyres for passenger cars, trucks, wheels, and other details. The company successfully operates in Lithuania, Latvia and Kaliningrad.Experience and values – the cornerstones of success stonesThe effort necessary for the purpose of a genuine team Melgos and the implementation of the strategy. The company's goal is to build a long-term and stable relationship with all our clients. become a member of the, which always makes you want to go. Strategy for achieving this goal: to maximize meet customer needs and offer what exceeds expectations.

Ltd., Melga - an international company providing automotive maintenance and repair services. The company also sells cars, trucks, tires, wheels and other parts. The company is successfully operating in Lithuania, Latvia and Kaliningrad region.
Experience and Values - the cornerstone of successful operation stones
Genuine team effort necessary Melgos purpose and strategy. The Company's objective - to develop long-term and stable relations with all customers; become those to whom always want to come back. To achieve this, the strategy for: to satisfy customers' needs and offer what exceeds expectations.