I live in a very over populated beach area in the Los Angeles, and I love the beautiful sights. But because
of many people, lots of things are easy to be out of order, and sometimes it's also easy to become angry.
Today was a day I wish I did not get out of bed. I mean that if I did not have to wake up and deal with all
the things that I have to deal with every day, it would have been wonderful.
I had a cup of coffee this morning and that was my meal for breakfast, not healthy I know. Anyway,
my stomach was sounding like a truck. So, I jumped in my car and decided to buy some food.
I was in line at Taco Bell and the line was like a long snake! Finally I got to place my order, but a young
girl in nice clothes pulled in (汽车停靠) and was stuck (被困住) in such a way that unless I moved for her,
she wouldn't be able to get out. So I backed up (倒车) and waved her into my place in the front of the line.
I was surprised that this young girl did not say thanks. I was a little unhappy about it because I thought
that I had done something nice for a change. After the girl received her food and drove away, I pulled into
the ordering spot, not mad but hungry, and the employee said, "Hi, that girl just paid for your food."
That food was the most satisfying nourishment (营养品) my body had ever taken! If just by chance you
are that person who bought my food, I should say "Thank you!