Haneto’s also got an amazing talent for getting faces right. There’s a realism to them that goes beyond what you see in the work of most other artists, and it really brings his renders to life. They always make eye contact with the camera just right. Plus the ladies’ expressions always have a sense of delicacy to them that reflects in their overall appearance. It’s a perfect balance, and something that can only serve as an example and an inspiration for new artists starting out.
But there’s another interest point of note, if you stay tuned throughout this week. Haneto’s from Japan, and you can tell in the way the girls look. There’s a slight Final Fantasy-ish quality to their faces that makes sure that they’re not perfectly photorealistic. Instead, they’re stylistic versions of real faces. To call it an anime look is to do it a disservice, because the effect is far too nuanced. I think it’s one of the best subtleties I’ve seen in the 3DX trade.