In factorial mating designs, a set of individuals are used as females and another set of individuals are used as males for mating. Like diallels, there are multiple versions of factorial mating designs (Hallauer and Miranda, 1988; White et al., 2007). Single and double pair mating designs depicted in Figure 5.3 are often used because the number of crosses required are greatly reduced compared to a complete factorial.
Figure 5.3. Single pair (left) and double pair factorial mating designs (right). A full
factorial would produce N = f x m, where f and m are the numbers of females and males,
In factorial mating designs, a set of individuals are used as females and another set of individuals are used as males for mating. Like diallels, there are multiple versions of factorial mating designs (Hallauer and Miranda, 1988; White et al., 2007). Single and double pair mating designs depicted in Figure 5.3 are often used because the number of crosses required are greatly reduced compared to a complete factorial.Figure 5.3. Single pair (left) and double pair factorial mating designs (right). A fullfactorial would produce N = f x m, where f and m are the numbers of females and males,respectively.