A falta de diez días para el Clásico, las sensaciones tanto en el entorno de Leo Messi como en el Barcelona es que el argentino estará en Madrid. Puede que no como titular, pero sí que formará parte de la convocatoria que dispondrá Luis Enrique para enfrentarse al Real Madrid en el Santiago Bernabéu. La idea de Luis Enrique a día de hoy es la de jugar a la intimidación del rival utilizando la figura de La Pulga sin dar pistas sobre cuales van a ser sus planes definitivos. Lo más probable es que el entrenador tenga en mente a día de hoy utilizar la carta de Messi como ya usó en el Vicente Calderón cuando el Barcelona visitó al Atlético de Madrid en partido de Liga (1-2). Esto es dejarlo de salida en el banquillo y utilizarle cuando en la segunda parte del encuentro cuando el conjunto rival ya está más cansado.
Precedente. La táctica salió perfecta el pasado 12 de septiembre en el Manzanares. Messi no se había entrenado en toda la semana con sus compañeros y cuando Luis Enrique dio la alineación titular el argentino no estaba incluido en ella. Messi compareció en el terreno de juego en el minuto 60 de partido cuando el encuentro estaba empatado a uno y con las espadas en todo lo alto. Su aparición en el césped motivó un cambio absoluto de decorado en el partido. A partir de su irrupción en el campo el partido cambió por completo y el Barcelona conquistó los tres puntos después de un gol suyo.
Así, Messi tiene buenas sensaciones. Desde el entorno del jugador informan que Messi está cumpliendo con los plazos previstos en la recuperación. Ahora mismo ya toca pelota y corre por la Ciutat Esportiva. En la última semana estuvo al cuidado de los fisioterapeutas de la selección argentina, con los que mantiene además una excelente relación personal, que comprobaron cómo su evolución era totalmente satisfactoria.
Está claro que Messi no llegará al cien por cien al Bernabéu y que nadie quiere hacer pronósticos absolutamente seguros porque “la lesión no depende de él”, pero a día de hoy, las sensaciones son muy optimistas. Tanto, que lo sorprendente ahora mismo sería que no se subiera al avión para viajar a Madrid y no entrara en la convocatoria. Otra cosa es que salga de principio.
In the absence of ten days for the classic, the sensations in the surroundings of Leo Messi as Barcelona is that the argentino will be in Madrid. It may that not as a holder, but that will be part of the call will be Luis Enrique to face Real Madrid in the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. The idea of Luis Enrique today is the play the intimidation of rival using the figure of the flea without tracks on which will be their final plans. It is likely that the coach keep in mind today use the letter from Messi as already used in the Vicente Calderón when the Barcelona visited Atletico Madrid in match League (1-2). This is to let him out on the bench and used when in the second part of the meeting when the rival group is already more tired.Precedent. The tactic came out perfect on 12 September in the Manzanares. Messi had not trained all week with his companions and when Luis Enrique gave the starting lineup the Argentine was not included in it. Messi appeared on the pitch in the 60th minute of match when the match was tied to one and with swords at the top. His appearance on the lawn prompted a complete change of scenery in the party. From its emergence in the field the party changed completely and the Barcelona conquered the three points after a goal of yours.Thus, Messi has good feelings. From the player environment report that Messi is complying with the deadlines set in the recovery. Right now he plays ball and runs through the Ciutat Esportiva. Last week he was in the care of physical therapists of argentina's national team, with which it has also an excellent personal relationship, that found how their evolution was fully satisfactory.It is clear that Messi will not reach 100 percent to the Bernabeu and that nobody wants to make absolutely sure forecasts because "the lesion does not depend on it", but to this day, the sensations are very optimistic. So much so that amazing thing right now would be that I will not climb to the plane to travel to Madrid and does not fit into the call. Another thing is that you out of principle.

In the absence of ten days for the Classic, the Sensations In the Environment of Leo Messi in Barcelona is that Argentina will be in Madrid. Maybe not as owner but as part of the call before Luis Enrique to face Real Madrid in the Santiago Bernabeu.The idea of Luis Enrique today is to play to the intimidation of the opponent with the figure of the Flea without giving CLUES about what will be their final plans. What is more likely is that the Coach has in mind Today use the letter Messi as used in the Vicente Calderon visited when Barcelona Atletico Madrid in League Match (1-2).这是dejarlo de萨利达EN EL banquillo Y utilizarle当EN LA西乙parte del Encuentro当El Conjunto对手雅ESTáMá的cansado。
precedente。La Táctica赛丽óPERFECTA el pasado 12 de Septiembre EN EL曼萨纳雷斯。梅西本身没有一entrenado赤潮íEN整个星期CON SUSñ爱欲Y是比较路易斯恩里克Dio La alineacióN有名无实的EL阿根廷和EN Ella不在。Messi came on the pitch in the 60th minute of the game when the game was tied at one with Swords and High throughout. Its appearance in the lawn was an absolute change of scenery in the game. Since its Emergence in the field the Match changed completely and the Barcelona won the Three Points after a goal.
Well, Messi has good Sensations.From the player's environment report that Messi is complying with the deadlines set out in the Recovery. Now plays Ball and runs by the Ciutat Esportiva. In the last week was the care of the physiotherapists of the Argentine Team, which also maintains an excellent personal relationship, which found that their evolution was entirely satisfactory.It is clear that Messi is not one hundred percent to the Bernabeu and anyone that wants to make absolutely certain forecasts because "the injury is not dependent on him, but today, the feelings are very optimistic. Therefore, it is not surprising now boarding the plane to travel to Madrid and entered into the competition. Another thing is that out of principle.