Football is one of Spain's most popular sports. Spain's biggest football teams Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are world famous. Several kannattajalleen teams are just as important as the family members or even religion.For tourists the local football offers a magnificent sports entertainment and an unforgettable experience in the heart of espanjalaisuuden.Relationship between Real Madrid and Barcelona to the FB has deep roots. The teams have been a sheet of enemies since the early 20th century, when both clubs were established. Also during the Spanish civil war and subsequent political positions were reflected in football. Real Madrid was represented by a common central Government in Spain while the Barcelona independent Catalonia.The dictator Franco was considered to be a reduction in Real Madrid, in a variety of ways, which was likely to cause upset katalonialaisissa. On this day, in addition to the spacing between the teams in the history of kaihertavat, among other things, pelaajakaupat.