Scheint irgendwie schon eine gute App zu sein, Jedoch habe ich sie irgendwie zwei mal auf meinem Handy,Bin nacheinander auf beide drauf, Bei einer alles problemlos, bei der anderen können Probleme behoben und 892MB mehr Speicher freigegeben werden?
Sort a good app seems to be but I she somehow two times on my phone, one after the other got on both, with one, the other problems can easily everything fixed and 892MB more memory will be released?
Seems somehow to be a good app, However I somehow successively corrected twice on my phone, I'm on both strikes, When everything easily, at the other, problems and 892MB more memory be released?
it seems to be a good app, but i have it twice on my phone, i successively on both top of everything smoothly, the other problems of fixed and 892mb more memory will be released?