One of the things I always believe is that no matter how bad something is, you can take something positive out of it.The one time I wasn’t sure of that was on September 11.
I usually wake up at 6∶30 or 7∶00 in the morning.That day, I happened to wake up earlier.I turned on the TV and I saw that a plane had crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.My first reaction was that it was a terrible accident.Then I saw another plane fly into the South Tower and I realized that I was witnessing an act of terrorism.
My wife and I spent the day watching the terrible pictures over and over again.When I Watched family members looking for their loved ones, the pain in their eyes was something I would never forget.Couldn’t understand how something this terrible could have happened.
It wasn’t until a few weeks after September 11 that I began to see that perhaps some good did come from this tragedy.People seem different now, more understanding, more tolerant.Little things that seemed to be such a trouble before are no longer big things.Personally, I am more tolerant than I was.I realize life is too short, and too precious, to let myself get worried over small things.I’ve learned also that you can’t take things for granted, Things change in the blink of an eye.People go to work and don’t come back.One moment they’re living and the next minute they’re not.And, it doesn’t matter who you are, there is nothing you can do about it.We never know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make the most of every minute we have.
You try to learn from what happened.You can’t be used up it.You can’t live by it.All you can do is ju
我一直相信的事情之一是,无论多么糟糕的事情是,你可以带些积极走出命丧我不能确定的一次是 9 月 11 日。我通常在 6∶30 或 7 ∶ 00 在醒来的早晨,她一天,我正好醒 earlier.I 打开电视,我看到飞机已经撞到的第一反应是,它是可怕的 accident.Then,我看见另一架飞机,飞到南塔楼的世界贸易 Center.My 北塔和我意识到自己见证了恐怖主义行为。我妻子和我花了一整天,看着可怕的图片,一遍遍的对 again.When 看着寻找自己的亲人的家庭成员,在他们的眼睛痛得东西我永远不会 forget.Couldn't 理解为何这可怕的事情会发生。 It wasn’t until a few weeks after September 11 that I began to see that perhaps some good did come from this tragedy.People seem different now, more understanding, more tolerant.Little things that seemed to be such a trouble before are no longer big things.Personally, I am more tolerant than I was.I realize life is too short, and too precious, to let myself get worried over small things.I’ve learned also that you can’t take things for granted, Things change in the blink of an eye.People go to work and don’t come back.One moment they’re living and the next minute they’re not.And, it doesn’t matter who you are, there is nothing you can do about it.We never know when our time here will be over, so we all need to make the most of every minute we have. You try to learn from what happened.You can’t be used up it.You can’t live by it.All you can do is ju