Generally, the most familiar quality parameter of chocolate statedon the particular product label, which is considered as an indicator ofTB levels is percentage of cocoa beans. The six different commerciallyavailable brands of chocolate products such as Fin Carre (content ofcocoa beans is 50%, m/m), Amazonas (60%, m/m), Ecuador (70%, m/m), Arriba Superieur (81%, m/m) and Excellence Cacao (90%, m/m) aswell as one Cacao Vida were purchased in local grocery in Bratislava(Slovakia). The procedure for preparation of these samples was as fol-lows:five chocolate bars of each brand were always weighed andpowdered using mortar and pestle. The particular amount of powder(1 g) was dissolved in boiling water andfiltered under reduced pres-sure. In the case of Cacao Vida sample, its raw powder was directlytaken and dissolved in boiling water andfiltered. Thefiltrate wasfilledup with deionized water to 100 mL volumetricflask to get stock solu-tion of the respective chocolate sample. 100μL of this solution wasadded to the electrochemical cell to 9.9 mL of supporting electrolyteand analyzed by DPV and SWV procedures. Subsequently, the multiplestandard addition method was utilized while three consecutive addi-tions of 100μL of 1 mM TB working solution were applied.