Overall Adaptive Behavior and Overall ChallengingBehavior Outcomes From All StudiesCombining the results from the longitudinal and con-trol group studies, of the 36 studies that examined over-all adaptive behavior change, 22 reported statisticallysignificant better overall adaptive behavior outcomes forthose who moved, 9 reported nonsignificant improve-ments, 3 reported statistically significant worse out-comes, and 2 reported nonsignificant worse outcomes(see Figure 1). Of the 25 studies that examined overallchallenging behavior, 5 reported statistically significantimprovements, 9 reported nonsignificant improve-ments, 2 experienced no change, 6 reported nonsignif-icant declines, and 3 reported statistically significantdeclines for the participants who moved to commu-nity settings.