00:11:35,069 --> 00:11:43,410
into the frame
00:11:43,410 --> 00:11:54,980
picture and little bit more
00:11:54,980 --> 00:11:57,880
like that
00:11:57,880 --> 00:12:24,060
tiny bit smaller as well
00:12:24,060 --> 00:12:31,260
because of the vegetation that was
behind the light that hit the vegetation
00:12:31,260 --> 00:12:37,470
behind in this frame is gonna do I
disable my lame ass permit see there's
00:12:37,470 --> 00:12:38,510
more sunny here
00:12:38,510 --> 00:12:44,320
creates this reflection so we need to
use this to blend it so I knew that
00:12:44,320 --> 00:12:52,230
command Z so that the mask is in effect
name this image contrast for now as we
00:12:52,230 --> 00:12:59,580
might start pulling on this top-level
here so down now that this highlight I'm
00:12:59,580 --> 00:13:05,030
so bright I wanna pull down the
highlights as well take down this just a
00:13:05,030 --> 00:13:09,280
tiny bit now because of the light in
this area
00:13:09,280 --> 00:13:17,420
create another mask to make even darker
let me see think that's bright I think
00:13:17,420 --> 00:13:21,180
that's good enough for this area seems
to be blended ok a little bit too much
00:13:21,180 --> 00:13:25,170
green and it's too much like back here
so let's work on the light back here
00:13:25,170 --> 00:13:30,350
first and then the add some green so the
brush this time they're going to enter a
00:13:30,350 --> 00:13:35,190
quick mask pool which is this one right
here this will allow us to just make a
00:13:35,190 --> 00:13:43,580
transparency and exit equipment to this
transparency will become a mask so the
00:13:43,580 --> 00:13:50,690
exit and now we haven't asked you gonna
work this mask and then in this area to
00:13:50,690 --> 00:14:04,010
create a curve so you come down to her
curves and just pull this down
00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:10,760
sitting in there a little bit better go
darker overall as well
00:14:10,760 --> 00:14:18,520
the top highlights a bit and then
pushing this town that's pretty nice
00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:25,030
right there so I like this rocks they
don't like the likeness behind it
00:14:25,030 --> 00:14:30,420
mask this out a little bit better you
come down to a left-side River player
00:14:30,420 --> 00:14:38,860
select our masks and just going to try
to paint some of this out you need to
00:14:38,860 --> 00:14:49,020
come closer then gonna Mascus better use
our class photo and BC I can do around
00:14:49,020 --> 00:14:54,610
this but the agency are pretty crisp so
let's just try for starters liked this
00:14:54,610 --> 00:15:00,080
layer and then you gonna come in with
the magic want to just do this the
00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:08,800
quicker it seemed to be selecting it ok
yeah pretty good I done this several
00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:13,110
times now but we need to further this
engine lol control key that will allow
12900:11:35,069--> 00:11:43,410插入的框架13000:11:43,410--> 00:11:54,980图片和一点点更多13100:11:54,980--> 00:11:57,880诸如此类13200:11:57,880--> 00:12:24,060小小小以及13300:12:24,060--> 00:12:31,260由于植被都被背后的光,击中植被13400:12:31,260--> 00:12:37,470隐藏在此框架中的去呢?禁用有我瘸驴许可证见13500:12:37,470--> 00:12:38,510更多的晴天这里13600:12:38,510--> 00:12:44,320创建这种反射,所以我们需要用于混合它,所以我知道,13700:12:44,320--> 00:12:52,230命令 Z,所以实际上是面具正如我们现在命名此图像的对比度13800:12:52,230--> 00:12:59,580可能开始拉上这顶级在这里,所以现在下这突出我很13900:12:59,580--> 00:13:05,030如此明亮,我想要拉下亮点,以及取下这只是14000:13:05,030--> 00:13:09,280现在由于在光的小小这一领域14100:13:09,280--> 00:13:17,420创建另一个蒙版,使更黑暗让我看看是明亮的认为我认为14200:13:17,420--> 00:13:21,180这是不够好的为这一领域似乎要混好的有点太多14300:13:21,180--> 00:13:25,170绿色的它的太像回到这里因此,让我们回到这里的光工作14400:13:25,170--> 00:13:30,350第一,然后添加一些绿色所以brush this time they're going to enter a14500:13:30,350 --> 00:13:35,190quick mask pool which is this one righthere this will allow us to just make a14600:13:35,190 --> 00:13:43,580transparency and exit equipment to thistransparency will become a mask so the14700:13:43,580 --> 00:13:50,690exit and now we haven't asked you gonnawork this mask and then in this area to14800:13:50,690 --> 00:14:04,010create a curve so you come down to hercurves and just pull this down14900:14:04,010 --> 00:14:10,760sitting in there a little bit better godarker overall as well15000:14:10,760 --> 00:14:18,520the top highlights a bit and thenpushing this town that's pretty nice15100:14:18,520 --> 00:14:25,030right there so I like this rocks theydon't like the likeness behind it15200:14:25,030 --> 00:14:30,420mask this out a little bit better youcome down to a left-side River player15300:14:30,420 --> 00:14:38,860select our masks and just going to tryto paint some of this out you need to15400:14:38,860 --> 00:14:49,020come closer then gonna Mascus better useour class photo and BC I can do around15500:14:49,020 --> 00:14:54,610this but the agency are pretty crisp solet's just try for starters liked this15600:14:54,610 --> 00:15:00,080layer and then you gonna come in withthe magic want to just do this the15700:15:00,080 --> 00:15:08,800quicker it seemed to be selecting it okyeah pretty good I done this several15800:15:08,800 --> 00:15:13,110times now but we need to further thisengine lol control key that will allow