Videofluoroscopic Swallow StudiesResidue Measures. Postswallow residue was measuredfrom the videofluoroscopic image when the hyoid bone returned to rest. Measurements were taken in the oral cavity, vallecula, posterior pharyngeal wall, pyriform sinus, and upper esophageal sphincter. Ratings were scaled on a 3-point system, with 0 corresponding to no residue, 1 to a coating of residue, and 2 to pooling of residue. Inter- and intrajudge reliability have been established as acceptable by these researchers using similar data sets.Penetration and Aspiration Scale. The 8-point Penetration and Aspiration Scale was used to quantify any penetration and aspiration events observed during the vid-eofluoroscopic swallowing evaluation. Scores on this scale reflect the occurrence, anatomic depth, subject response to, and clearance of material invading the laryngeal vestibule or trachea.Durational Measures. To examine the effects of rehabilitative intervention on the duration of upper aerodiges-tive tract kinematics (hyolaryngeal excursion and upper esophageal sphincter opening) and bolus flow, measures were obtained using standard criteria and definitions22,30,34 (Table 1 for definitions).