Customer retention, in most cases, is regarded as an indicator of acquisition performance, but factors influencingit have rarely been studied in the serial acquirer context. As a consequence, this paper presents a model of thelinkage between serialacquirers and customer retention by drawing on serial acquirer and customer relationshipmarketing and management literature. The paper proposes that the serial acquirers' focus on retaining acquiredfirms' business customers per acquisition deals may enhance the post-acquisition value. Furthermore, serialacquirers' acquisition experience (skills), managerial overconfidence/hubris, own customers' behaviour andtechnological context are identified to impact the customer retention of the acquiredfirm. Moreover, twodual-purpose variables—acquiredfirms' customer experience and acquiredfirms' customer relationships—areproposed to moderate the effects of serial acquirers' acquisition experience (skills), managerial overconfi-dence/hubris, own customers' behaviour and technological context on acquiredfirm customer retention andalso to autonomously influence acquiredfirms' customer retention. The implications for serial acquirers andpractice are discussed