EIH Team, (Adding Phoebe and Jessica of EIH and Ted / Joe of EIC)
Regarding - 0802-14220005 , PS2 42”
1) From my understanding there has been discussion on 42” PS2 demand for several weeks. On 1/7 EIH has communicated they need the material in 2 weeks. Lead time for this large format material can be up to 30+ days.
a. Can EIH help me better understand why PO not issued weeks ago to allow for appropriate lead time?
b. The delay in PO submission has a direct impact on any delivery.
c. For future requests for material, it will be best for the global organization that EIH also provides a PO status. Note that I provide this type of update to EIH when communicating module demand.
2) EIC is receiving conflicting information on what team will manage PS2 42” demand. Per Phoebe’s update that was sent the same day that an e-mail request, 1/7, , EIH is managing this conversion REFERENCE this comment near sku# 0802-14220005 in the table below and in attachment, (conversion @ EIH)