R: I admit using digital currencies would be more convenient than using banks. But I’m not certain bitcoins can’t be stolen just like regular money. What if someone hacks your digital wallet? Or there is some disaster and the cloud storage system you’re using to store your coins is destroyed? M: I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe someone could create a digital wallet that has an algorithm that changes every few minutes. In that way, someone trying to access the account would be unable to do so, as the account’s numbers would constantly be changing. R: That’s actually a really good idea. But I have one question … how would the user access their account if the wallet’s ID is altered? M: I guess the software on the users’ computers or hand-held devices would grant them access through a similar alternating algorithm, or perhaps even a retinal scanner. To be honest, digital currencies are still relatively new, so it’ll be a while before we’ll have strong security measures for digital money.