00:00:08,930 --> 00:00:14,480
welcomed into photography 101 my name is
quieter and g4s our lounge dot com and I
00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:18,510
Michelle Ford senior editor for SLR
lounge now in this video we want to talk
00:00:18,510 --> 00:00:22,790
about the overall workshop format for
photography 101 as well as photography
00:00:22,790 --> 00:00:28,730
21 and 30 one now photography 101 really
focuses on mastering the basics of your
00:00:28,730 --> 00:00:33,660
camera and more importantly we want you
in addition to just stirring manual mode
00:00:33,660 --> 00:00:37,220
and how to expose and how to use your
camera we want you to understand how to
00:00:37,220 --> 00:00:42,840
approach is seen how to light compose
and create amazing images regardless of
00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:46,700
the camera and the cure that you're
using in fact for the attire workshop we
00:00:46,700 --> 00:00:50,290
use basically our basic rebel right here
with it
00:00:50,290 --> 00:00:55,149
kit lens is and basic prime lenses as
well as our Nikon d5200 penny its basic
00:00:55,149 --> 00:01:00,230
kit lenses and basic primes these are
the most basic yes we're going to show
00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:03,399
you how to create incredible
professional imagery out of them now we
00:01:03,399 --> 00:01:07,080
realize that everyone is in a different
place in the photographic journey and
00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:10,369
that's why we have a custom player we
have a full menu system so you guys can
00:01:10,369 --> 00:01:14,780
skip around and really just jump to the
subjects that might interest them at the
00:01:14,780 --> 00:01:19,320
time but watching it in its entirety is
actually a really good idea
00:01:19,320 --> 00:01:22,729
master the foundation all the way from
start to finish and you can always go
00:01:22,729 --> 00:01:25,850
back to the topics you need to cover
again absolutely and on top of that
00:01:25,850 --> 00:01:29,270
watching each video in its entirety is
going to help everyone out because
00:01:29,270 --> 00:01:33,290
regardless of how simple the subject
they were teaching in everybody we're
00:01:33,290 --> 00:01:36,909
still going to do we're setting up our
scenes using our composition setting up
00:01:36,909 --> 00:01:41,310
our lighting are posing in Sopore to get
the shot so there's still a lot to be
00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:45,400
learned beyond a specific function we
might be teaching as well and don't
00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:49,600
forget to do the assignment I really
would recommend that you stop preview
00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:53,079
the topics really master it before you
move on
00:01:53,079 --> 00:01:56,600
also you're gonna see as time and time
will be showing up in little quick tips
00:01:56,600 --> 00:02:00,930
to give you additional information and
insight into each other topics that were
00:02:00,930 --> 00:02:06,130
covering so be on the lookout for those
outright why don't we just show you
00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:10,399
exactly what one of these quick tips
looks like to start with this is your
00:02:10,399 --> 00:02:14,560
first 10 throughout this workshop you'll
see us showing you images that were
00:02:14,560 --> 00:02:19,320
capturing from the camera images will be
labeled and will show the EXIF data
00:02:19,320 --> 00:02:20,430
showing the
00:02:20,430 --> 00:02:27,709
camera's exposure settings that EXIF
even images marked with S 00 see that
00:02:27,709 --> 00:02:31,859
means it's an image being shown straight
out of the camera no additional
00:02:31,859 --> 00:02:38,299
processing now if the images mark LR
process wrong that means we've taken the
00:02:38,299 --> 00:02:42,769
original RAW file we took it into
Lightroom completed the post-processing
00:02:42,769 --> 00:02:47,219
and then arrived at the final image now
from time to time you'll see a little
00:02:47,219 --> 00:02:48,980
for more info
00:02:48,980 --> 00:02:52,780
just like that pop up at the bottom of
the screen those mean that we've hit a
00:02:52,780 --> 00:02:56,290
subject that were referencing and we're
going to discuss it in more detail later
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in the course so that's it for our first
clicked it let's head back to the video
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I am so ready so the next video
100:00:08,930--> 00:00:14,480欢迎进入摄影 101 我的名字是安静和 g4s 我们的休息室点 com 和我200:00:14,480--> 00:00:18,510米歇尔 · 福特高级编辑器为单反相机的现在在这个视频中,我们要谈的休闲区300:00:18,510--> 00:00:22,790关于整体车间格式摄影 101 以及摄影400:00:22,790--> 00:00:28,73021 和 30 人现在摄影 101 真的重点掌握的基本知识你500:00:28,730--> 00:00:33,660相机和更重要的是我们想要你除了刚刚搅拌手动模式600:00:33,660--> 00:00:37,220如何公开和如何使用你相机我们想让你明白如何700:00:37,220--> 00:00:42,840方法是看怎么光作曲和创建令人惊叹的图像,无论800:00:42,840--> 00:00:46,700相机和你的治疗事实上使用装车间我们900:00:46,700--> 00:00:50,290使用基本上我们基本的反叛就在这里与它1000:00:50,290--> 00:00:55,149套装镜头是和作为基本焦镜头其基本以及我们尼康 d5200 便士1100:00:55,149--> 00:01:00,230这些工具包镜片和基本素数都是最基本的是,我们要显示1200:01:00,230--> 00:01:03,399你如何创建令人难以置信他们的专业图像现在我们1300:01:03,399--> 00:01:07,080意识到每个人都是在不同在摄影旅程中放置和1400:01:07,080--> 00:01:10,369that's why we have a custom player wehave a full menu system so you guys can1500:01:10,369 --> 00:01:14,780skip around and really just jump to thesubjects that might interest them at the1600:01:14,780 --> 00:01:19,320time but watching it in its entirety isactually a really good idea1700:01:19,320 --> 00:01:22,729master the foundation all the way fromstart to finish and you can always go1800:01:22,729 --> 00:01:25,850back to the topics you need to coveragain absolutely and on top of that1900:01:25,850 --> 00:01:29,270watching each video in its entirety isgoing to help everyone out because2000:01:29,270 --> 00:01:33,290regardless of how simple the subjectthey were teaching in everybody we're2100:01:33,290 --> 00:01:36,909still going to do we're setting up ourscenes using our composition setting up2200:01:36,909 --> 00:01:41,310our lighting are posing in Sopore to getthe shot so there's still a lot to be2300:01:41,310 --> 00:01:45,400learned beyond a specific function wemight be teaching as well and don't2400:01:45,400 --> 00:01:49,600forget to do the assignment I reallywould recommend that you stop preview2500:01:49,600 --> 00:01:53,079the topics really master it before youmove on2600:01:53,079 --> 00:01:56,600also you're gonna see as time and timewill be showing up in little quick tips2700:01:56,600 --> 00:02:00,930to give you additional information and深入了解彼此的议题2800:02:00,930--> 00:02:06,130涵盖这样是在寻找那些彻底为什么不要我们告诉你2900:02:06,130--> 00:02:10,399到底是什么人的这些小贴士看起来这是开始于你3000:02:10,399--> 00:02:14,560你会在这次研讨会的第一次 10看到我们向您展示了的图像3100:02:14,560--> 00:02:19,320从照相机图像捕获将是标记,并将显示 EXIF 数据3200:02:19,320--> 00:02:20,430显示3300:02:20,430--> 00:02:27,709相机的曝光设置,EXIF即使图像标记与 S 00 看到,3400:02:27,709--> 00:02:31,859意味着它是一个图像被显示直没有额外的相机走出3500:02:31,859--> 00:02:38,299现在,如果图像标记 LR 处理过程意味着我们已经采取的错3600:02:38,299--> 00:02:42,769我们拿到它的原始原始文件Lightroom 完成后的处理3700:02:42,769--> 00:02:47,219然后现在到达最终的图像次又一次你会看到一个小3800:02:47,219--> 00:02:48,980更多的信息3900:02:48,980--> 00:02:52,780就像这样流行起来的底部那些意味着我们碰到屏幕4000:02:52,780--> 00:02:56,290被引用的主题,我们要稍后更详细地讨论4100:02:56,290--> 00:03:00,709所以这就是我们的第一课clicked it let's head back to the video4200:03:00,709 --> 00:03:04,590I am so ready so the next video