Immer wieder schalte ich Strom zur Versorgung vom Konverter ein, und die Lampe am Versorgung leuchtet nicht und der Konverter funktioniert nicht. Wenn ich es fünf mal ein- und ausstecke, dann geht es. Was soll ich machen?
Again and again I turn on power supply of the converter,and the lamp on the supply does not light up and the converterdoes not work. When I five times it and put out, thenis it. What should I do?
Again and again I turn to supply power from a converter, and the lamp is not lit and the supply of the converter is not working. If I five times on and ausstecke, then it comes. What should I do?
again and again i turn on electricity to supply from the converter a, and the lamp on care not lit and the converter) does not work. if i five times a and ausstecke, then is. what should i do?