THRUST REVERSER SYSTEM D/O (3)THRUST REVERSER OPERATION (STOW SEQUENCE)(continued)THRUST REVERSER SYSTEM D/O (3)ABNORMAL OPERATIONSIn case of thrust reverser abnormal operation, various warnings aretriggered on ECAM as follows:"REV UNLOCKED" is triggered if one of the reverser pivoting doors isunlocked in the stowed position with no deploy order.As a result the EEC limits the thrust of the affected engine to idle."REV FAULT" is triggered in case of:- autorestow,- aircraft ground/ flight information failure,- loss of power supply on both DCU channels,- EIVMU permission switch failed closed,- class 1 thrust reverser fault.As a result the EEC limits the thrust of the affected engine to idle."REV PRESSURIZED" is triggered if the thrust reverser system ispressurized while the reverser pivoting doors are stowed and locked withno deploy order.As a result the EEC limits the thrust of the affected engine to idle."REV INHIBITED" appears if the thrust reverser system is locked in thestowed position by maintenance action."REV SET" appears if the reverse thrust is selected in flight.